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This moment, she believed, could best be described as a feeling of dread. The girl began to feel anxious as she sat on the comfortable sofa from which she had first awoken but moments ago. There was no sound, save for the monotonous ticking of the wall clock that seemed to mock her. It wouldn't be long now; even so, every second felt like decades of torturous waiting.

'Why me?' That question repeated itself in her mind once again.

Indeed, that was a valid question. Surely there were plenty of other unsuspecting pedestrians who he could have chased. So why her? She had nothin he wanted, and not once had they ever crossed paths. At least, she didn't think so.

So deep in thought, (Y/n) failed to notice a certain brunett had been staring at her for a few moments now, magenta orbs so fixated on her that it was as if he was waiting for something to happen. But nothing did happen, so the man decided to make his presence known.

"What could you be thinking about, ragazza?" His voice abruptly broke through her thoughts, causing her to let out a startled yelp, nearly slipping off the sofa and to the floor. He caught her before she could do so, however, lifting her back onto her seat. "Now, don't give yourself a concussion just because you fell and hit your head."

Not caring much of who she was speaking with, she almost forgot her current situation when a mumbled retort came from her. "I'd much rather the concussion."

'Uh oh'

Luciano roughly grabbed her chin and their eyes met, faces merely inches apart, and he looked peeved. Still, (Y/n) couldn't keep a small blush from rising to her cheeks from how uncomfortably close he was. "That can easily be arranged." Another moment and he backed away before continuing. "Nobody likes a smartass. So don't go acting like one unless you want your throat slit, ragazza." That last statement made her shiver, but she refused to show weakness again to her captor.

"What do you want with me? Who are you?" It took  early all the bravery she could muster not to stutter as she spoke. Nonetheless, the fear that was still ever-so evident made him chuckle in amusement.

"I think you should be the first introduce yourself, bella."

Gaining more confidence she spat, "My name is none of your damn business! And I think I asked you first!" She already regretted her words.

The amused look the Italian man had was now gone, replaced with an expression of annoyance and built up anger that, obviously, he was hoping to suppress for longer than the five minutes it took for this girl to piss him off.

With a gloved hand he gripped onto her shoulder and glared at her. Still, she returned it with a glare of her own. He was prepared to do something, she didn't know what, but, instead, he lightly shoved her away and flicked her forehead, causing her to squeak in shock as she fell backwards onto the sofa.

"My name is Luciano Vargas." He finally answered. "Happy? Now tell me your name."

'What?! This Italian bastard didn't even know my name, and he still went after me?! You've gotta be kidding me!' As much as it outraged her, she had to oblige if she didn't want to be killed. "(Y/n)..."

That smirk returned to his lips, "Bene. Good choice, (Y/n)." The way he said her name didn't make her any at all comfortable, though she doubted it was meant to.

Turning so he was facing the doorway, (Y/n) had just noticed the Japanese man from before was still waiting there.

"Kuro," Luciano said with an air of authority, "take her to the guest room upstairs." Without any objections, the Japanese man who she now knew to be Kuro motioned for her to follow him.

'It looks like I have no choice...' That much was true; she attempted to escape before but was immediately caught by Kuro. Reluctantly, she followed said Japanese man as he led her upstairs. As soon as they were gone, Luciano muttered to himself, "Ho la sensazione che questa ragazza sta per essere la mia fine." With that, he left as well.

~Don't Be Afraid~ (2p!Italy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now