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Warning: As always, swearing. Seriously, I'm not putting this warning anymore, it's pretty obvious.

By the time she woke up, it must have been a couple hours. Eyes still shut, she attempted, again, to figure out the situation she had been forced into. Recalling the events of the day before that led to her capture, she came to a sudden realisation when it played over in her head.

~Flashback to yesterday~

"(Y/n)! Where ya goin'? Don't leave me here alone!" Whined Abby, (Y/n)'s roommate and friend. The (h/c) rolled her eyes as she grabbed her phone and wallet, stuffing them into her pant pocket. It was a known fact that her friend hated being at the apartment alone, this tended to get annoying from time to time. Abby was turned around on the couch, arms slung over the back, looking up at her with sparkling blue puppy eyes. Alas, (Y/n) showed no remorse.

"You'll be fine. I'm just going out to get some things." Abby's pout turned into that of a smirk.

"I see~ Could one of those things be a boy, hmmm~?" This earned a sandal to the face, sending her flailing backwards off the couch.

As for (Y/n), her face was red for a different reason; Abby's reason being a huge red mark where the sandal had smacked her. "I was gonna get you ice cream, but not anymore. I'll see you later." She slammed the door behind her, leaving the other girl all by her lonesome.

~Change P.O.V.~

Luciano, feeling suffocated in the house, was wandering the flee market in town. He had no significant reason for being there, it just happened to be nearby. It was already late in the afternoon, so it wasn't too crowded. Still, he couldn't risk any "accidents" and kept his distance from passerby's.

He became bored quickly and thought it was time he went back. Turning around to the direction he came, he didn't notice someone walking behind him, knocking them down in the process. The person landed on their butt and Luciano looked down to meet with bright (e/c) eyes that glared up at him. It was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, and she looked like she was already pissed before he bumped into her.

She got up and pointed an accusing finger at him. "Hey, watch where you're going!" He just raised a brow, looking bored.

"Not my fault, you shouldn't have been walking so close behind me. Don't get pissed at me."

"I wouldn't be pissed at you if you learned how to walk in public places without knocking people over, ass." This earned a glare from him.

She huffed, glaring back, and started walking off. She stopped though when she heard crying. A child was standing off to the side, wailing about not knowing where his mother was. Her expression softened, surprising Luciano only slightly, and she went over to help the kid. Smiling kindly, she shushed the kid and took his hand, leaving to find his mother. However, as she passed Luciano, he was startled by the powerful glare she gave him. A glare that said 'you had better watch yourself'.

Once she was out of sight, he couldn't help but find some kind of interest in her. He then smirked and left the direction she went, following her from a distance.

~Flashback end~

'God damnit, I'm an idiot!' Of course, she just had to provoke! 'This wouldn't have happened if Abby hadn't teased me like that!'

It was still technically her own fault, though. Almost forgetting where she slept, she rolled over and drowsily opened her eyes. They soon widened and she was startled by the sudden sight of the brunette who was still in deep sleep. But the Italian's peaceful slumber didn't last long when, out of shock, (Y/n) Sparta kicked him. This sent him flying off the bed and landing on the floor with a thud. Unfortunately, when he got kicked, he awoke in time to grab onto the covers, -which (Y/n) had been sitting on- causing (Y/n) to fall off as well, landing on top of him.

Luciano yelled at her. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT, DUMBASS??"


He pushed her off him and tried getting up, but slipped on the covers and was now the one on top of her. Face red, she did the first thing that came to mind. She sucker punched him in the nose. He lept back and held his now bloody nose.


"Personal space, ya pasta-eating bitch!!"

"God damnit I hate you!!"

"Feeling's mutual!"

A third voice interrupted them before the argument could get any worse.

"Wow, when you said they were violent I didn't think it was this bad."

'Greeeaaat, another one.' She thought sarcastically.

Standing in the doorway of the bedroom was Lutz, who was now leaving, and another man. He wore a pristine white overcoat and pants, a black undershirt with a red scarf around his neck, and some expensive-looking shoes. Designer shades hid his violet eyes, and his blond hair had the same weird curl that Luciano had, except it was on the other side. He and Luciano looked pretty similar to each other. Brothers, maybe?

Just hearing the blond's obvious Italian voice made Luciano groan in annoyance. The blond ran over, picking Luciano up, which he obviously hated from how much he struggled to get away, and the he brought him into suffocating hug. Already Luciano had a face that begged for someone to end him at that moment. With a monotonous tone he said "Hello, Flavio. Could you kindly let me the hell go before I break those dumbass shades in half."

Flavio pouted but obliged, but soon went back to smiling. "Fratello, aren't you happy to see me?"

"No. I was hoping you had drove off a cliff since you're late. You were supposed to be here half an hour ago."

He waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, I actually came on time. But when you weren't in the office I decided to check your room."

"Were you watching me sleep?!"

"I couldn't help it! The only time you ever look like an actual human being and not an edgy grouch is when you're asleep. Besides, if I woke you up you would've yelled, and I didn't wanna wake up la bella donna."

"Shut up!" Luciano snapped suddenly, then sighed and rubbed his temples. "God, I haven't been talking with you for even five minutes and already I'm getting a migraine..."

(Y/n) mumbled audibly. "You sure you're not just getting it from hearing your voice?"


Flavio laughed. "I like her! She's funny!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her up off the floor, making her stumble into his chest and her cheeks already felt warm from how close they were. Meanwhile, Luciano just glared at his brother who either didn't notice or didn't care. Probably both.

He began dragging her out of the bedroom. "Come, angela! You're going to spend some time with il tuo nuovo fratello!"

"I-I don't speak Italian. What did you say?"


"Don't worry, bella. I'll teach you as much as I can while I'm here!" Flavio announced, completely ignored Luciano's outburst.

Knowing she had no choice in the matter, (Y/n) went with the eccentric blond.

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