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AAAAAANNNND WE'RE BACK! My apologies if this seems rushed or something, I wanted to get this out since I took so long to get back to it. I've been in an awful mental state for a long time and have been trying to work on this whenever I could. However, I've also been busy with other personal things, like college and work. Being an adult is hard, man, I'm turning 24 this year and it's INSANE.


The room was quiet, and (Y/n) waited patiently while Abby gathered her thoughts. The brunette pursed her lips, frowning. It wasn't that she didn't want to answer her friend's question, she just didn't have much of an answer to give.

"What do I know about Luciano?" Abby repeated the question. The (h/c) girl nodded, now beginning to fidget with each passing second. Abby, arms crossed, tapped a finger on her arm and sighed. "Not much, honestly. I got a call from you once that he interrupted, and that's the only time I've even heard his voice. The guys downstairs haven't said much either, but they don't seem to like him or his friends much."

(Y/n)'s brows furrowed. "What have they said?"

"They mentioned their groups were rivals, and that they were already planning to attack Luciano and his guys before I told them about the phone call." (Y/n) sighed, finding herself with more questions than answers. Noticing her frustration, Abby quickly added, "Maybe you could ask the guys about him? They're friendly enough, for the most part. Though one of them is a weirdo who reeks like an opium den..."

"Yeah," she said, nodding. "I'll do that. I'm tired of sitting around this room, anyways."

Abby offered a smile, then stood. "In that case," she said as she suddenly walked over to the bed and threw herself onto it, rolling herself into the blankets. "I'm stealing your bed! I need a nap!"

(Y/n) snickered, a smile on her face as well. "Alright, I'll wake you if anything happens."

"Wake me never!" She protested, lifting her head up to yell it before slamming it back down into the pillows.

"Two hours. Got it."

"Thank you~," Abby mumbled, muffled, already passing out.

Leaving her friend to sleep, (Y/n) made her way out of the bedroom and downstairs. On her way down, she could hear men's voices as a conversation went on. The first she heard was Russian.

"Now that we have the girl here, would it not make sense to send the other one away? I doubt Luciano has any interest in her. Besides, all we needed her for was to reassure her friend."

Well. That didn't sound good.

Then another with a thick French accent, the words almost drawled out. "Yeah, it's pretty fucking stupid."

"Hey!" She heard Oliver shout. "Mind your language, sir!" Which was responded with a grunt.

(Y/n) crept down the stairs, peeking into the living room and trying not to be seen. She saw a group of men–one of them being Oliver–speaking with lowered voices, possibly so as not to be overheard by her or Abby from upstairs. So much for that.

A Chinese man took a puff from an opium pipe–earning a frown and a scrunched-up nose from Oliver–and leaned back in his chair. "I disagree. I say we keep Abby, she's cute! And she could stay in my room—"

"Absolutely not," interrupted a tired-looking man with violet eyes and a weird curl dangling in front of his face. "Just send the kid home. Or, hell, send them both home since we don't even know for sure if pasta face is gonna show up. It's ridiculous to keep babysitting a couple of girls just to lead him here. He doesn't have to know his girlfriend isn't here."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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