#7 Kitty Confessions. =^.^=

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Just some random silly facts/things about myself. Enjoy. 

This was inspired by one of my favorite youtubers. :)

1.  I would eat Italian food, every single day if I could.

2.I bite my nails, I've gotten a lot better about not doing it in recent years though.

3. I could happily spend 90% of my time eating unhealthy things and watching random youtube videos.

4.  I love watching people play video games, although I don't really play much myself.

5.  If the light is on, the monsters can't get me.

6.  I have had trouble sleeping at night since I was a little kid.

7. If I care about you, I will do literally everything in my power to make you happy.

8.  The easiest way to make me laugh is to quote something.

9. I love hugs. 

10.  I always talk with my hands, I can't not do it.  


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