Chapter 1

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The diner Hanna works at.


This here is my work and can, in no means, be copied or imitated in any shape or form. The characters described are unique to this story. I do not condone or allow any of my work to be used, be it on Wattpad or other social sites.

Thank you and enjoy my book!

S. A. A


"Hanna! Get out of there now or, so help me, I will break this bloody door down!" Came the bellowing voice from behind the door and I flinched at the loudness of it. She had never been quite this angry before.

Hurriedly, I crept to the door again and looked through the keyhole. From the small hole, I could see the blue silk of her nightgown as it clung to her rounded body. Although it was dark, the glint of her wedding ring could be seen from where her hand was resting on her hip, a clear sign that she was getting impatient.

Another loud knock resonated through the small room and I fell to the grey carpet, my hand clutching my heart hopelessly as I shuffled backwards to lean against the foot of the bed. My black waist-length hair was damp with sweat and I fanned my face in a feeble attempt to calm down. Needless to say, it wasn't working.

Shakingly, I rose to my feet and surveyed my surroundings. The room was mostly dark except for a small section of the bed that was alit by the luminous light of the moon that shone through the small square window.

The window? Could I...?

Any ideas of an escape halted in my mind upon hearing a voice erupt from outside against, but- this time- it was not directed to me, but rather to someone else.

"No, she's not opening up, Rich! Do you think I'd still be bloody stood outside, if that was the case!" The voice came out more shrill this time and my heart thudded violently in my chest at the malice in her voice.

I heard a gruff sigh from the male and I could imagine him running a large hand through his thinning hair. His heavy footsteps trudged towards the door and he turned the handle twice as if he needed to do so to confirm her words. I took a few steps backwards despite knowing that the door was securely locked and that the key was safely nestled in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Right, Debbie, I'll go find the Master Key. It's bound to be somewhere around. Last I saw, it was in the kitchen cupboard. Meanwhile, you try shake her outta there, got it?" He finalised, and with a final twist of the doorknob, I heard his heavy footsteps trudge down the hallway and towards the stairs.

I paced the small length of the room, nervously. What was I going to do? Once they get their hands on me, they won't spare me. I just know it. I had to think of something and I had to think of it fast.

I whimpered as I heard the familiar footsteps come up the stairs, but this time they were much faster. He had found the master key. I sunk helplessly to the floor. Hot tears cascaded down my face and I stared at the door in despair.

How did it get to this point?

3 days earlier....

"Oh my god, yes!" I exclaimed, relief shooting through me. I laughed to myself and eyed the notepad in pride, chewing on the end of the pencil anxiously.

"What are you so happy about, Miss Hanna?" I heard Sue's voice before I saw her as she circled around the corner and entered the small staff room. Her ginger hair was strewn up into a bun and small streaks of blonde could be seen at the roots from where the dye was wearing off. She put the clear mug of coffee she was holding down and wiped her hands on her apron before settling down beside me with a soft smile.

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