Chapter 72

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The magma flew towards them as Ayla screamed loudly, but surprisingly it avoided their forms, falling around them in puddles as though there was something obstructing the fire.

It was only when the light of the magma stopped as the creature dropped its hair and looked to them with a sneer, that I saw the blue orbs around their forms. Even more surprising was that my hands were glowing blue as I held them up.

Emut's gaze snapped to me then, his eyes flitting to my hands.

"Hanna?" He murmured in surprise and Demir looked at me then, his eyebrows furrowed as he raised his glaive.

"How are you doing that?" He asked, a tone of shock in his voice and I shook my head frantically, my hands pulsing with energy.

"I don't know!" I responded anxiously, my whole body feeling charged with energy and Emut shook his head, a look of disbelief on his face as he turned to Demir.

"Impossible." He muttered and Demir moved forward slightly, his hands eyeing the blue orb around his body curiously.

"Can you keep it up?" He called out the command to which the Baken looked in my direction, a bloodthirsty look in its eyes. I ignored this and focused more so on keeping the blue orbs in place, feeling my hands tremble as though they were holding a heavy weight. Nevertheless, I nodded shakily to which both Emut and Demir looked to each other before turning to the creature, a smile on their face.

"Keep up with us, Hanna." Emut called out and then they were moving.

They ran forward towards the Baken to which it raised its hair to battle with them. However, it only reached within a metre of them before it hit against the mental shield I was holding in place for them, making Emut smile slightly.

I could see it- the blue orbs around their forms as they moved closer. I had one hand focused towards Demir and the other towards Emut. My eyes were drooping as I kept the shields up, but I pushed on, knowing we had created a window of opportunity we could not lose.

Demir raised his hands then, sinking each strand of hair deep into the sand, his eyes glowing and hair blowing with the wind as the Baken growled loudly at the action.

"Let's see the rabbit behind the hair." He mused, a ghost of a smile on his face before he twisted his glaive gracefully and cut at the strands, making the creature let out a loud anguished shriek that echoed across the village.

I clenched my teeth at this, feeling myself get hot from the exertion. The creature snarled, its hair just reaching its chest and barely moving. It raised its hands, spewing magma towards Demir, but I raised my hand, feeling a warm electric energy run through it as I placed a shield against its hand, effectively trapping the magma in. The liquid fire circled around within the shield and the creature growled at this, its eyes snapping to look to me with a cold look.

However, this served as a good distraction as then Emut rushed in from the side, unbeknownst to it. I dropped the shield immediately as he raised his sword swiftly, slashing through the shielded hand that was spewing magma and the creature let out another scream as blood spurted out like a water hose.

My hands were trembling even more so now, especially when Emut made contact with something outside of the shield. I was trembling now as I tried my upmost hardest to concentrate.

A good thing too as it was then that Emut reached over and grabbed the arm of the creature with both hands before flipping him over his shoulder, showcasing his immeasurable strength. I held tight to the shield as Emut made contact with the Baken, flinching when the sound of it hitting the floor echoed across the village.

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