Chapter 88

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My eyes snapped open at the dream and I let out a sigh of relief as the cool night wind blew my hair back, but it was only short-lived and I shot up at the sight of orange flames licking at the trees in front of me.

"Hanna!! Ayla's voice rang out and I turned to see her coming to my side, pulling me up with a harsh tug and I looked to her sweaty form, her blonde hair dampened down to her forehead.

"What's happening?!" I shouted over the noise of falling branches before letting out a yelp as a large chunk of leaves fell beside us, the flames now licking at the grass. Ayla merely pulled me along with her, running through the fire.

"We've been ambushed!" She shouted over the noise and I looked back, the sight of Chigaru soldiers with torches making me run faster and not ask further questions. But, they were undoubtedly faster and I let out a scream as I felt the vicious grip of a hand against my hair, making me fall backwards roughly onto the ground.

"We've caught a real beauty here!" A voice jeered loudly as I writhed in pain on the floor, the wind knocked out of me. I heard the sound of cheers as I was hauled off the ground with ease, feeling much too dizzy to put up a fight. It took a good minute for the pain to slightly cease and I began struggling as I saw that I was being held over the shoulder by a large soldier. I kicked a leg against his nether regions to which he doubled over with a loud groan and I took the opportunity to stumble back, making way to run. Yet, I only got a few steps before I felt hands clasp around my waist.

"You're gonna pay for that, bitch!" His voice growled into my ear and I struggled against his hold even more so when his hand wrapped around my throat, effectively cutting off my breathing. I choked slightly, feeling my vision blurring and he laughed in response, dragging me back to where the other soldiers were probably conjugated.


I turned quickly at the familiar voice looking to Ayla with wide eyes as she stood in front of him, her bow and arrow in her petite hands. The man only laughed at this, hauling me up until I was covering him from her view.

"Go ahead! Shoot your friend!" He urged, mocking her, but she didn't take the bait as she stood stoically, her bow drawn. He continued laughing at this and I stuttered slightly as his hand tightened around my throat, making my face redden.


The sound of Ayla's arrow flailing through the air was the only sound and my eyes widened slightly as I saw it come towards my form. The sound of a squelch arose in the air as it landed its target and I looked down when I felt no pain, seeing how it had landed between my left arm and torso where the soldier's side was showing. His grip loosened at this and I stumbled out of his hold, coughing violently. As I moved away, Ayla shot another arrow towards the gaping soldier, a look of focus on her face. It was a vast difference from her usual smiling face and I looked to the soldier as he dropped to the ground with a soft thud.

"We need to keep moving." Ayla muttered, her hand hauling me up by my arm and I nodded, finally having caught my breath. She passed me something then and I looked down to see the double sword before smiling at her gratefully. Taking it, we moved through the dark trees in a cautious silence, listening for any sounds of intrusion. It wasn't long til we heard just that and I turned abruptly as six soldiers ran from the left, lifting my weapon with familiar ease.

"Ayla, now." I called out as they neared and she nodded, understanding me. When they were within arm's distance, she held at my arm and then we warped, landing right behind them. I wasted no time, raising my double sword and slashing right through the back of an unsuspecting soldier to which he let out a cry of pain. I slashed a second time for good measure before looking to the other soldiers who were now alert. Two converged towards me simultaneously and I ducked under their arms as they swung their weapons before turning and kicking my shoe harshly into one soldier's back. He stumbled to the ground at this and I took the opportunity to jump before landing against his nape to which he let out a blood-curdling scream. This made me falter, but I pushed on; it was us or them.

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