Chapter 83

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It was only when I was outside that I let out a small startled exclaim. There was powdered colours flying everywhere. In the distance, I could hear musical laughter and turned to see Arun holding a fistful of colour and spraying it across the crowd as he ran as they did the same to him. He was doused in yellow and green, with his hair fully powdered in pink which he tried shaking off.

"Colours?" I asked in awe, looking around giddily as villagers chased each other to smear colour on one another. Ayla passed my line of sight, letting out small giggles and I smiled as Abrax chased after her, a fist full of blue powder. He caught up to her effortlessly, lifting her from behind, making her let out a playful scream as he used his free hand to smear the powder into her face. I could have swore he held her there for a moment before letting her down as she slapped at his arm with a pout. It looked rather funny when she was covered in powder.

"They usually bring this out on only special occasions." Emut appeared suddenly near me and I let out a startled noise before processing his words. He smiled at this as we walked closer to the crowd. He expertly dodged any colour and I was thankful that his towering figure stopped from any colour falling on me.

"I'm just hoping it's washable." I muttered, covering my dress slightly and Emut laughed. I scanned the crowd again to see Maya running through and jumping gracefully in the air. She landed colour on both Saf's and Jamila's face, propelling them to the floor before she backed off with a smile. I let out a small laugh at her competitive nature, watching as she sneaked up on an unsuspecting man before flinging the colour into him. Besides from a small smear on thigh and torso, she was otherwise clean.

"Well, we can find out if it's washable." Emut answered and I turned to him at his words, letting out a scream as he threw red colour towards me. Instinctively, I covered my face, but it landed against my arms and torso.

"Emut!" I glared at him playfully to which he shrugged apologetically.

"You did mention liking red." He offered jokingly and I smiled with narrowed eyes before looking to the table of colour beside us and grabbing a fistful of the orange.

He noticed this and raised an eyebrow, almost as though he was accepting the challenge. I moved towards him, throwing the colour, but he was undoubtedly faster and he moved to the left at an insane speed, an amused glint in his eyes.

"I think you missed." He mocked me and I scowled before grabbing colour and chasing after him. He ran at a slower pace this time as though he wanted me to keep up, but I still lagged behind.

He threw yellow colour back and some landed onto my neck, making me let out a squeal. I knew that trying to play the speed game wouldn't help, so instead I tried another method. Grimacing, I stopped suddenly, holding to my ankle.

"Ow!" I let out in mock anguish to which Emut stopped suddenly and moved towards me without hesitation.

"Hanna, are you okay?" He asked as he neared, but I didn't spare him an answer. Moving quickly while his guard was down, I threw the colour towards him. He dodged instinctively, but it landed against his arms and chest to which he looked to me in shock. His gaze flitted to my ankle before a look of realisation crossed his face and he smiled.

"I never took you as a liar, Hanna." He mused and it brought me back to Demir's words two nights ago and I rolled my eyes playfully at his words, yelping as Maya threw colour towards me. I had hoped Emut would come to my aid, but his attention was on the males in front of him who were trying to throw the powder at him. He laughed at this before dodging it gracefully and throwing it back.

"Up for a bit of colour, Hanna?" Maya mused, circling me and I pouted at her words, looking down at my clothes.

"But, I really like this dress." I muttered to which she scowled, her hands full with pink powder.

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