Part 19

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He was with his best friend when he said it.
"I'm in love with her."
"Who?" His friend asked.
He was silent and looked ashamed. "Her."

"So we are all in one trailer?" I ask as we walk onto set. Tom opens the door to his trailer and nods.

"Yeah. It's fine. There's more than one bed." Tom says and places his bag down. He falls in the couch, exhausted from the flight.

Harrison and I stand at the door awkwardly and we place our bags down. "When do you start filming?" Harrison asks and crosses his arms.

"Tomorrow morning." Tom mumbles and stands up. "I think I'm going to go to bed. Night guys." Tom yawns and walks over to his area and shuts the screen.

"It's only seven!" I shout back but there's no use. I sigh and walk up the few stairs to the extra beds that Harrison and I are in.

Harrison closes the door to the room and places his bag on one of the beds. He sighs and I turn around to face him.

"A room to ourselves? How wonderful." Harrison grins and tucks a hair behind my ear.

"Mh yeah. Perfect." I smile and put my arms around his neck.

Harrison places his hands on my waist and pulls me in. I look up and lean in, letting our lips lock again. It wasn't a soft kiss, or a pashonet one either. It was a nice kiss, filled with love that make my stomach turn.

"Tom doesn't come in unless is important." Harrison smiles once he pulls away. He takes a step back and the door clinks locked.

"So you don't want Tom to find out either then?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at Harrison.

Harrison shakes his head. "Later. Plus we can now sleep in the same bed."

"That sounds fine to me." I yawn. I quickly change into sweatpants and slip under the warm covers.

Harrison gets in after me and snuggles up next to me. He wraps one arms under me like he's holding me and he tangles his legs with mine. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and we slowly drift to sleep.

"Harrison?" I ask quietly, hoping he's not asleep.

"Hm?" He mumbles, his eyes still closed. I twist around so I'm face to face with him. He opens his eyes and Smiles at me. "You okay Alexa."

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just better this way." I say and snuggle up into his chest.

He wraps his arms around me and hold me tight. "Agreed."


"Harrison, Alexa, are you both still sleeping?" I could hear someone faintly say. I open my eyes slowly and I could feel Harrison's arms wrapped around my waist. "Guys please hurry!"

My eyes widen and I jump up out of bed, starting Harrison. "Hey what the-" I cover Harrison's mouth with my hand and shush him.

"Sorry Tom my alarm never went off." I shrug and make my bed look like I was sleeping in it. I open the door am to see Tom standing there.

"I hope you guys don't need to shower." Tom raises and eyebrow and we both shake our heads.

While Tom is in the bathroom we both quickly change in the room. It wasn't that weird. We both had our backs facing each other, plus the door was closed. I tug my shirt down and fluff my hair a bit.

"Okay, I think I'm ready to-" I'm cut off by Harrison's lips meeting mine for a few seconds.

"Luck." He winks and I open the door.

If I'm being honest, the trailer is pretty cold. I slip on some socks and put on my mucklucks. I throw on one of Toms sweaters but he doesn't care if I wear it. As soon as Tom is out of the bathroom I run in there and quickly apply makeup. I walk out an see both Harrison and Tom waiting for me.

"Sorry." I say in a sassy attitude. Harrison and Tom both chuckle as I through a jacket overtop of the sweater and grab my bag.

We walk over to the stage Tom was filming at. There were s lot of actors here, and big time actors. I've met Robert Downy Jr a bunch of times before and he is so nice. I met Christ Evans, Sebastian Stan and Scarlett Johansson once on the set of Civil War and they were awesome.

"There are so many famous people here." I whisper over to Harrison who is standing beside me.

"Yeah I know. This is only the beginning." He smiles and we stand off to the side while Tom gets ready to film.

"Are you Alexa Holland?" Someone says excitedly from behind me. I turn around to see Chris Pratt smiling. Chris Fricken Pratt.

"Yeah." I smile. "Do you need something?"

"Nah dude. I just love your book and photography. Is there another book coming out?" Chris asks and smiles.

"No for a bit but it's in the works right now actually." I say, still overwhelmed that Chris Pratt was talking to me.

"Sweet! When will it be out?" He asks really excitedly.

"I'll probably be done within the next few months, and it should be out in stores by at least Christmas." I say, thinking on how much left I have to write.

"Sweet dude!" Chris smiles.

"Oh yeah and with the photography, if you follow my Instagram everything is on it." I say. "It's alexaholland96."

"Perfect. Thanks so much. I'll see you around!" Chris says and starts to walk away pulling out his phone.

I turn to Harrison with giant eyes and now he can tell I'm going crazy. "Chris Pratt just talked to me, complemented me and followed me!" I squeal.

Harrison laughs and smiles. "I do that everyday and you don't go crazy for me." Harrison pouts.

"Your not a world famous actor in one of my all time favourite movies." I smile and pull out my phone that just buzzed

Instagram: prattprattpratt started following you.

"This is literally the best day of my life." I grin.

A/N: yeah I gotta add Chris Pratt to this! I hope your liking the story so far!

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