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Trigger warning: very slight violence. Panic attack. (This was before I started having major panic attacks. Details about the panic attack arent completely accurate. Everyone is different too.)
Annabeth POV

Today has been amazing.

I finally reunited with my best friend after two years.

But, High school isn't exactly fun.

People are slammed up against lockers. People get in rolling fights. And I feel terrible for not being able to stop it.

I survived so far. And it's only lunch time.

I go and get my tray, and then get my food. I get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and an apple.

I look around, wondering where to sit. I would sit with Percy, but he is with all of his friends, celebrating his birthday. I don't want to bother them. Besides. They don't even know me. I don't know if they would be okay if a person they hardly know just randomly sits with them

Aha! There is a completely lonely table in the back corner, with no one at it. I go and sit down.

I unwrap the sandwich from the plastic, and start to eat. I only eat half of it, and throw it and the apple away.

I pull out my book, and start to read.

"Hey loser! What are ya reading?!" A voice yells. A hand snatches my book away from me.

I look up. Ugh. It's Matt Sloan. Percy warned me about him during P.E. where he told me all I needed to know about this school. And it's people.

"May I have my book back?" I ask politely, but inside I'm screaming in rage. It's the last book my dad gave me before he died.

"Eh. No. I think I'll leave it somewhere you can't reach it."

By now, a small crowd has formed. I look over to Percy's table, just to see Leo elbow Percy and point.

I stand up, and say,
"Could. I. Please. Have. My. Book. Back.?"

"I SAID NO!" He raises his hand ready to hit me. But I've been hit before. I wait for him to hit me.

Suddenly, a hand grabs Matt's hand before he can swing.

Percy pins Matt to the table and says "I suggest you give her, her book back."

I stand there shocked. Why would Percy do this, just for me?

Matt reluctantly hands me my book back, and Percy let's him up.

I feel hands grab my arms, and pull them behind my back. One of Matt's friends is holding me tight.

Matt punches Percy in the face, and kicks him in the back of the legs knocking him down. He then starts to kick him in the stomach. I stand there not being able to do anything.

I look back over to where Percy's friends are. Or were. They're all running to hopefully get a teacher.

Suddenly, Percy's eyes glaze over
Oh no. I've seen this happen before. Its a panic attack. He used to get them after his abusive stepfather Gabe, was arrested. Over the years, he stopped having them. But evidentally this is triggering one.

"STOP! STOP IT NOW!" I scream.

I yank my arms out of the grasp of the person holding me. I hurt my shoulder, possibly dislocating it. But that doesn't matter now. I tackle Matt, knocking him to the ground, right as three teachers and the principal run in. They get Matt, and I run back over to Percy, who is now curled up in a ball screaming.

"STOP! STOP NOW! PLEASE!  IM SORRY! I DIDNT MEAN TO!" Percy screams, sobbing.

I pull Percy out of his position, and hug him. He continues to sob, but he stops screaming.

"Shhh. Percy it's fine. You're fine. I'm here for you."

"A-Annabeth... I-it was h-him. G-Gabe. H-he was at-attacking m-me."

"Shh. He's gone now. It's fine. You're fine."


"Yes Percy?"

''Th-Thank you."

''for what?"

"For always b-being here for me"

"It's what friends do."

Then what he did next surprised me.







You're welcome.😁

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