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Reader POV
I was working later in the night so I can get more money to have some extra after i pay my half of the rent for the apartment that I live in when suddenly my work is interuppted by my phone going off. I sigh as I pick my phone and see that my sister is calling me so I answer and I immediately am introduced to my sister with a few drinks in her system

Kobayashi: H-HEYY B-RRRO... CoMe On oVEr hErE. I got... S-SomEthIng to Show yOu...
(Yn): did you get drunk again?

I then groan as she begins to tell me about her location. From what I can tell, she in the deep forest and had found something that she thought was cool. I packed up and left the building as I used the tracker that we have on our phones to track her location and ended up in a forest as I heard laughter and drunk talk near by. I sighed as I walked past some bushes and I see my sister is having several of heavy drinks with someone else. Kobayashi turns around and notices me and waves at me while still having the drinks still in her system. I sigh as I wave back and walk over to them. Once I notice her friend I immediately see that her friend had blonde/orange hair that faded into red at the bottom of her hair. I also took notice of her horns and her weird, snake like eyes and her really sharp teeth. Before I can continue my observation I see that she only had a few rags as clothes and the rags barley covered her body. I immediately turn around as my sister looks at me with a confused expression

Kobayahi: W-what's wrOng..?
(Yn): Cover up your friend... Now.

She then nods as she turns to the blonde girl

Kobayashi: Toh-Ru... Do the thingy agAin...

This "Tohru" nods as she looks to me and begins to glow a bright color that makes me shield my eyes as my sister claps and cheers. Once the light dies down I look to see a giant green dragon with tohrus eyes and horns as she opens her mouth and roars a deep burning flame. As she does this I couldn't help but just stare in confusion and terror as i realize... My sister found a dragon.

DRAGON MAID: Elma X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now