The End

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With the battle reigning on, I left Kobayashi behind and raced towards the other Dragons with the Hope of catching a ride on one of the Dragons.

However, they didn't exactly seem to take notice of my presence. With them either being in the sky or distracted by the battle, I was hardly noticable in contrast. That was until my sister caught up to me and took a deep breath, before she shouted louder then I have ever heard her before...


Covering my ears, I looked up and saw that Kobayashi stole Tohru's attention.

With Kanna and Elma keeping her father busy, Tohru darted straight towards and landed, crushing the area around her as a powerful gust of wind boomed by us and even knocked us back a bit.

Tohru: M-Miss Kobayashi?! (YN)?!
(YN): Let me on your back!
Tohru: W-Wha?-
Tohru: Why are you two even here..? HOW did you two get here?!

Tohru flinched a little and turned, attacking Damocles as I climbed up her back and she took to the skies. However, with little experience of flying on a Dragon's back, I managed to fall off...

With a Holy amount of luck, Elma managed to fly below and catch me on her back. Desperately clinging to the blade and Elma, I looked down at Damocles.

(YN): Elma! I have the Holy Sword! We can end this Now!
Elma: W-What?! You want to k-
(YN): NOT KILL! Force him to surrender!

Taking a brief moment, Elma nodded and lowered down to ground level, being followed by the Tohru. Damocles unhinged his jaw and prepared another attack, firing a violent burst of magic straight at us. However, Tohru and the others launched their own magic. Fire, Water, Lightening, Darkness, light, all were capable of matching and surpassing it.

With both sides refusing to surrender, I struggled to stand up and took the holy sword out from the sheath I kept it in.


Somehow, even through the chaos, the Lord of Destruction managed to hear me. All the attacks stopped from both sides as Damocles looked up at me as I raised the Holy Weapon.

Damocles: You....No mere human can wield such a weapon!
(YN): SHUT IT, BOOMER! I'm going to give you a Choice! Continue battling against us and face the blade, or return to your home dimension and leave us be!

Damocles, much to our dismay, prepared a different attack for us. However, Tohru opened a portal behind her father and quickly spat a ball of fire that surrounded Damocles. With Kanna striking Lightening down on him, Elma freezing his wings, Fafnir blinding him, all with the combined power of Lucoa powering the holy sword, Damocles' attack seemed almost over powered and taken back as the elemental storm knocked him into the portal.

Though Damocles tried to keep his ground, firing the attack. However, I jumped off Elma and slashed the attack in half with the Holy sword, catching Damocles off guard and forcing him back through the portal from the several attacks he was getting hit by.

After knocking Damocles through the portal, Tohru quickly shut it down and banished her father from earth, ending the battle...

I let out a pained sigh and threw the blade, partially relating to her father with Tohru also pushing me and Elma through a portal when we met...

Lucoa: It seems we've won..

Kobayashi was suddenly tackled by Tohru, who assumed her human form as she and Kanna held her in an extremely tight embrace. Giving a quiet chuckle as a reaction from not just the bone crushing hug, but also the suffocating kiss she was recieving from Tohru, I turned around and was met with a gentle hug from Elma, who gently punched my chest.

Elma:..don't do dumb stuff like that again..Dummy..
(YN): Going Tsundere on me now?
Elma: I dunno.. you just worried me
(YN): Elma, We won.. How about we get home and we can get something to eat?
Elma:.. You had me at Elma.

Smiling softly, I gave Elma a gentle kiss and turned to the other's as Elma's face darkened into a red blush.

I chuckled at her bashful demeanor and we all went home... Honestly, I would have expected the battle would be a lot harder...

Maybe that was it. Maybe the end would just be as easy as a few actions, but seemed.. to easy. Maybe something will come up later to make up for it?

I can't be sure.


OutLaw: Yes, there is another Lemon. For now, FIN.

DRAGON MAID: Elma X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now