Goin' Out

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Reader POV
I waited by the entrance of a near by restaurant as i waited for Elma. I smiled softly too myself as i looked up at the sky, not bothering to count the amount of stars in the sky until i felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn to see an incredibly bashful and blushing Elma.

(Eclipse: Her clothes are in the photo above)

Elma: R-Ready to g-go?..
(YN): Chill Elma. Of course i am

I take her hand in mine and walked her into the restaurant. After we got seated, we placed our orders and we got our drinks. As I drank my (favorite drink), I noticed Elma was beimg rather bashful at the moment. Taking subtle glances at me and blushing.

(YN): Elma?
Elma: Y-Yea?
(YN): You seem... More nervous than usual..
Elma: Oh...s-sorry..
(YN): Is somethin-

Elma interrupts me as she gets up, looking me in the eyes as she places both of her hands on the table.

Elma: I...I-I...well...F-Feel for you how T-Tohru feels f-for Miss Kobayashi... I-I love you..a-a lot..

I can feel my cheeks light up slightly as I stared back at her. Even though i knew about this for a long time, it was something completely different when you hear it being said.

Elma: s-so...I'm nervous...I-I want this d-date to...be g-great for both of us... B-But Tohru rushed m-me..

I couldn't help but smile and slide my hand along the table, resting it ontop of hers. This caused her to flinch slightly but sit down, blushing as she adjusted her glasses.

(YN): Than lets work on making this a great date

Elma looks at me before smiling and nodding. After some more time of talking about our Homes and her Dragon culture, our food came along. Elma unfortunately ate it all too quickly and had to wait for me to finish. I didn't want her too feel too awkward so I decided to feed her small bits of my food from time to time, causing her too blush slightly.


Once I finished my meal, Elma and I left a tip at the table and made our way to a theater-

Eclipse: Theater? Theatre? What-What the fuck? How do you spell it?
SkullBasher: I think its Theater-
Eclipse: Ugh, whatever. Ill spell it however... Not like I dont misspell everything else im my damn stories
SkullBasher: Well if you tried, you'd-

made our way to a theater and decided to watch a movie. After several of questions from Elma like

Elma: Who is that?/What does that do?/ How did he get there?/Is he important?/ Do I have to pay attention to that guy?/ Is he the villain?

Once the movie was over, we both decided to take a late night stroll. As Elma clung to my arm and walked with me with a smile, I couldnt help but kiss her forehead, causing her to tense up and blush. Once we were infront of the apartment, I turned too her and smiled, with her looking at me with a hint of curiosity.

Elma: What is it (YN)?

I only hugged her as a reply. She paused for a moment and giggled as she hugged back, buring her face into my shoulder. I look at her and our gazes meet. Smiling still, I close the distance and kiss her lips gently. Elma blushes and tenses up before she kisses back gently, breaking the kiss and blushing darkly with a smile.

Elma: I-I... L-Love you..
(YN): I love you too Elma..

Before I can go in for another kiss, Tohru opens the door and smiles softly.

Tohru: I assume the date went well?

Elma chased Tohru into the house, arguing with each other once again while Kobayashi looks at me with a small smile.

Kobayashi: Looks like you and Elma are official now
Elma: Mhm! (YN) is officially my mate
Tohru: Now I'm just waiting on Kobayashi to take me out

Tohru huffs. All the while, Kanna eats some cream bread, watching us all with a smile.

DRAGON MAID: Elma X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now