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Reader POV
I sat down by my sister as she talked about how tohru helped make her smile more often than she used to

Kobayashi: I could never tell Tohru that-
Kobayashi: (YN) I SWEAR TO-
Tohru: REALLY?!

I then chuckle as Tohru tackles my sister to the ground. im not gonna hear the end of it when she's done.


Its been a few days and over time we began to realize that with me, my sister, Tohru, and kanna all living in the same apartment it got croweded quickly and it got really annoying so we all decided to move out into a bigger apartment. We all assigned ourselves certain areas to pack up and what not. After what felt like hours of listening to my favorite songs and packing I finally packed up my area. I sighed in relief and turned around to see Tohru drooling for some of my sisters childhood pictures

(Yn): OI! You can pleasure yourself to my sister when your done.

Tohru then immediately continues cleaning as her blush gets even redder. I laugh as I pat her on the back and walked to the fridge to eat something. As I ate I saw that the moving people were already here and began to carry stuff into their trucks as Tohru and kanna sat by me

Tohru: That... That was-
Kanna: it took longer than expected
(Yn): yep

We all sighed I continued to eat my food and I saw my sister plop onto another seat and rested her head onto the table

(Yn): hope the move is worth it
Kobayashi: you and I both


We all drove in a car and while I sat there next to the driver I saw that Tohru was sitting patiently, My sister was trying not to fall asleep, and Kanna was looking throw the window in awe. After some time we finally arrvived to the apartment and we got all the boxes into the bigger house.

Kobayashi: in this house we have 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms. One for me. One for (yn) and the last one is for Kanna and Tohru. It has a kitchen, and a living room as Well as a office room for me and (Yn)

(Yn): Cool... I'm going to bed.

And just like that I get up and enter my room and collapse onto the bed and sleep the fatigue away

DRAGON MAID: Elma X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now