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Logan Howlett has experienced many pains in his long life, not only did he lose his first love and his first born child, but when he finally found another love, he lost her, again.  However, this time he was not left with nothing.  His love Maureen left him with a daughter before she passed.  The child was born in the year 1984.  After eleven and a half gruesome hours of labor, Maureen held her child for the first of few times that she would have in the coming year.  She decided to name her Jaelyn Alesta.  With eyes the color of moss, and hair the color of milk chocolate, she was an exact replica of her father.  Whether that was a good thing was yet to be decided.  When Logan held his baby girl in his arms for the first time, he vowed to protect her.  After the death of his wife, that vow had even more promise behind it.  After losing one child, and two loves, Logan refused to lose another person he cared about.  But nothing could protect her from the pain of her genetics, or the pain of her future.


When Jaelyn turned seven, Logan learned the full extent that his genetics had on his daughter, and he hated himself  even more for it.  He was in the living room of their small, temporary apartment when he heard screams coming from his daughters small room across the apartment.  Fearing the worst, he extended his adamantium claws and ripped the door off of her room, only to find her bedset torn to shreds, and Jaelyn on the ground with three claws of bone protruding from above each of her hands.  After calming her, he taught her how to retract them.  He knew just how painful that the claws were, and hoped that she would only feel a tingle from extracting and retracting them very soon from getting used to the claws.

He had never expected his daughter to take after him as much as she did.  He knew that she had his looks from the time she was born.  He hoped to God that his looks and mutation were the only things of his that she would have.  Logan made a promise to protect his daughter from harm, but not even he could protect her from what was to come in the future.


And this is where our story begins.

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