Chapter One

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Northern Alberta, Canada


Pulling up to an unknown bar, Jaelyn hops out of her Fathers R.V. and heads towards the doors. When she reaches them, she can hear the sound of people rooting for something, giving her an idea about why her father chose this place to stop at. She stops and waits for her father to catch up. Logan walks up to his daughter. "Ladies first." He teased as he opens the door for her to go in. Jaelyn rolls her eyes at her father, knowing that he has never exactly been one for chivalry.

"So why exactly are we here?" Jaelyn asks her father once they are inside. Logan doesn't say anything as he leads her around the corner, the rooting getting louder, until the step into a large open room and she can see a cage fight. Recognition flushes through her mind as she realizes why they came here. Jaelyn looks at her father. "Really?" she asks. Logan just looks down at her with a smirk.


Logan leans against the side of the cage, shirtless and sweaty, after his seventh round of fighting. So far each one had been won. Blowing cigar smoke through the gaps of the cage, he hears the booing of all but one person in the crowd. As the announcer works up the crowd, Logan looks towards his daughter. She is at the front of the crowd, and the only person cheering him on, even though she knows that none of the fights are fair. She throws a smile at him, which he returns.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer calls out. "In all my years, I have never seen anything like this. Are you going to let this man walk away with your money?" At this the people in the crowd start to shout in protest. A burly, cocky looking man then enters the cage. "Our savior!" The crowd starts loudly cheering. Jaelyn looks over the man and smirks. Just because he looks tough, doesn't mean that he is going to beat her dad, after all, nobody has ever beaten him in the ring. As the man gets ready to fight Logan the announcer leans closer to him. "Whatever you do, don't hit him in the balls." He whispers to the fighter.

"You said anything goes." The man confusedly replies.

"Yeah, but... he'll take it personal."

After hearing this Jaelyn snickers, remembering the first time that night that her father got hit in the sack. The guy had what he got coming to him after that blow.

The man starts to make his way behind Logan's back. Logan watches his daughters eyes flicker to the spot behind him, letting him know, without using his heightened sense of smell, that the next fight is about to begin. Logan slightly braces himself for the first attack. The man kicks Logan's legs, and before Logan can fully turn around to fight back, he receives a punch to the gut. Right as he goes to make a move, he receives another hit to the gut and crumples to the ground. The man starts to kick Logan in the gut, and after the third strike, makes the mistake of kicking him in the balls. Jaelyn winces at the blow "Come on, Dad!" She calls out to Logan. Logan glances at her and gets up, right in time to see the man's fist coming his way. Logan throws out a punch and his knuckles collide with the man's causing a metallic clang. The man drops to his knees in agony, clutching his injured hand. Jaelyn starts to loudly cheer, as the rest of the crowd starts to boo again. Logan goes for another punch, stunning the man for a second, then head butts him. The man falls to the ground once again, but this time he does not rise. Jaelyn cheers victoriously as the bell rings and the crowd viciously boos. Logan cracks his neck, and stares down the booing crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight's winner and still king of the cage... The Wolverine." The announcer announces monotonously.

Logan kicks the man's unconscious body as he makes his way back to the side of the cage closes to his daughter. He picks up his discarded cigar, and takes a puff of it, ignoring everyone in the crowd other than his not so little girl. Jaelyn raises an eyebrow at her father, who in turn rolls his eyes back at her. The guy deserved every last hit he got.


"How much did you get tonight?" Jaelyn asks her father as they make their way towards the bar.

"Enough." Logan gruffly responds. Jaelyn rolls her eyes at his answer. Sitting down at the bar, he pulls a cigar out of his pocket. "I'll have a beer." He tells the bartender. When Jaelyn sits down next to him the bartender looks her up and down, with a lustful look in his eyes. "And for the lil' lady?" He asks with a wink. Jaelyn scoffs incredulously and starts to think of all the ways that she can kill the man. Logan's eye twitches and he clenches his fists together in an effort to remain calm. "A coke for my daughter." He growls out with a malicious look in his eye. The bartender pales, and nods, quickly turning around to get the requested drinks.

"Can I kill him?" Jaelyn asks her father as she viciously stares at the pervy man.

"Not now. If he tries anything else, then yes." Logan replies back, also staring at the man with the same look his daughter has, if not worse. When the bartender returns with their drinks, the duo give him a look that would kill. The man quickly walks away in fear of the sixteen year olds father.

As Logan nurses his beer, and Jaelyn sips on her drink, they each sense someone looking at them. Logan ignores it, used to getting weird looks from people. Jaelyn, however, does not, and turns her head to the source of the stare only to see a girl who looks about her age. As soon as they make eye contact the girl looks away, causing Jaelyn to shrug and turn back to her drink, sitting in a comfortable silence with her father.

The man from the last fight walks up to Logan with one of his buddies, and taps him on the back. Logan turns around and stares at the man with a blank expression. "You owe me some money." He tells Logan. At this Jaelyn turns around as well and glares at the man.

"Come on, Buddy, let's not do this" The man grabs his friends arm trying to lead him away, but he does not budge.

"No man takes a beating like that without a mark to show for it." He tries again. "I know what you are." The man whispers to Logan.

Jaelyn decides to speak up after that. "Dude, if you keep this up, your money isn't going to be the only thing you lost tonight." She snarls.

The man's friend tries to grab him again, this time was seemingly successful. But then he rips his arm out from his friends grasp and whips out a switchblade. "Look out!" The girl who was staring at the father and daughter cries out. Jaelyn quickly gets up and raises her fists and Logan rises and slams the man up against the wall, with two adamantium claws extended from his knuckles. A third claw slowly extends from in between the other two and stops just short of cutting the man's Adam's apple. The man fearfully stays still, as Logan stares him dead in the eyes.

Jaelyn hears the cocking of a shotgun, and her head instantly turns towards the noise, only to see one trained upon her father's head. Even more rage fills her system and she quietly makes her way behind the man, unsheathing her own claws of bone, just barely touching the back of the man's neck. "Don't even think about it." She growls out. Jaelyn feels the man tense up as she moves her hand forwards a small bit, causing her claws to slightly pierce the bartender's skin.

"Get out of my bar, freaks." The bartender yells out in terror.

Logan quickly looks at his daughter, then to the man and in one fast motion, extends his three claws from his other hand and cuts through the metal of the gun, causing it and the shells to split in half and fall to the floor in a heap of gunpowder and pellets. Jaelyn retracts her claws, and walks out, growling at the two men who just attacked her father. Logan does the same, and walks out of the bar, leaving the onlookers, and those involved in terror. Or at least, all but one.

Tigress (Wolverine's Daughter) {Wade Wilson}Where stories live. Discover now