1 / Panic! at the Cafe

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Ughhh.... Plane rides suck, but hey, this one landed early(A/N I know that's not how it works, but let's USE OUR IMAGINATION, AGAIN. Insert Rainbow Here), so I guess it's time for SOME COFFEE/TEA. Some non-alcoholic drinks for a fresh start. I wonder when (f/n) is gonna get here since it also 6:00 IN THE MORNING. I SHOULD BE SLEEPING, IN A BED, IN MY HOME, AND NOT IN AN AIRPORT BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WEIRD.

I walk over to the nearest cafe with my earbuds in. I'm listening to some Set It Off. They're pretty cool dudes. I enter the cafe, buy my coffee, and try to get a seat, only to find my coffee/tea spilled all over me. I am screaming my lungs out, trying to dry myself off, when I hear a panic(!)ed voice right beside me.

"Holy smokes! I'm really sorry about that!" the short-ish man says, extremely worried.

"Hey. It's ok. I'm just currently being burnt alive. Actually, forget that I just said that. That just makes this worse," I quickly add.

"Heh. Here just let me get you some more nap-"

"Patrick! What did you do now?" A slightly taller, but still short-ish, man says while walking through the doors. I guess his name was Patrick, then.

"Oh. Hey Pete! I may be, kinda, accidentally,-" Patrick tried to say.

" Hey, once again, it's ok. I got it, but he accidentally made me spill my drink. No biggie." As soon as I finished saying that, my phone goes off. It's a text from (F/N) (friend name).

F- Hey where are you. I'm outside

Y-I'll be at luggage pick up J. Just wait though. I gotta clean up

F- just be quick. People are starting to get here and I'm lonely

"I gotta go now, but thanks for the help and stuff Patrick,"

" No problem, but what's your name?"

" It's (Y/N) by the way. See ya," I say as I walk away to the luggage pick up.

Patrick POV-

"We should probably go to Brendon's luggage pick up area thing, and get some pizza, too," Pete adds, of course.

"We probably should, but you get pizza, I'll wait for Brendon," I say.

I walk to luggage pick up J and wait for Brendon. I wonder if it's just me who thinks Pete's addicted to pizza. Oh boy, this luggage area is quite boring. I finally see Brendon walking over with Pete by his side, and of course, Pete is holding a pizza in his hands.

"Hey, Brendon! Looks like you found Pete already," I say. I know he probably found him at pizza place around here.

" Of course I did. Who wouldn't expect Pete not to go to get pizza while waiting for anything," Brendon replies. Both Pete and I laugh at his response.

" Wow. The luggage still hasn't arrived yet. That's interesting, but that means more time to eat my pizza," Pete says.

"Hey, can I have some?" I ask. He hands me and offers Brendon a piece. "Thanks, Pete!" We eat the pizza while more and more people enter the area. I wonder why that person looks so familiar. Oh! It's (Y/N). A sudden wave of guilt washed over me, remembering what happened earlier.


The conveyer belt still hasn't started! I was in the bathroom for like half an hour cleaning that spill. At least that gave me something to do though. I see (F/N) waiting there, but my eyes also happen to see Patrick and Pete with another guy. He looks rather nice, both personality and looks. Don't get me wrong, Pete and Patrick look nice too, but this felt a little more different. I have no clue at what I just said. Luckily, they're all sitting rather close to each other.

"Hey (F/N) over here!" I say.

" Finally someone I can talk to," (F/N) says back.

"Hey, Patrick. Hey Pete. Also, Patrick, I'm fine you don't need to worry anymore. I'm perfectly fine," I say.

"Patrick? Pete? What happened while I was waiting here?!" (F/N) asks.

" I wanna know too!" the other guy says.

"All that happened was that Trick accidentally made (Y/N) spill her tea/coffee. Oh and (Y/N) meet Brendon. Brendon meet (Y/N)" Pete says. Finally, the belt starts, and we get our luggage.

"Hey," Brendon says.

"Hey," I say, " Why don't we get some breakfast or something?"

"Sure. Why not. This pizza wasn't very filling anyways," Pete replied.

"Everyone agree?" I ask. After a sequence of nods and yeahs, we leave for some food.

A/N - Oh boy WRITING AT 1 AM IS SO FUN. ANYWAYS...there won't be as many POV changes in future chapters.....I think. Also, I know that this seems only a Patrick x reader, but just wait it'll get there.

Torn (Brendon Urie x Reader / Patrick Stump x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now