Chapter One: Hello Sister.

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Davina Claire was in her attic painting when she sensed something. It was magic, pure and uncontrolled. It was a kind she had never felt before and whatever it was, it was coming to New Orleans.


"MER-BITCH I SWEAR TO GOD GIVE ME MY PHONE!" Faye Chamberlain shouted at her triplet Cleo.

"Faye, cursing is bad," Cleo said with a waggle of her finger. The two girls giggled and Faye who was driving growled and turned back to the road.

Faye got a wicked idea and smirked.

"Items return to their rightful owner

as for the thief?

Give her a cold shoulder!"

Cleo yelped as frost covered her shoulder and Faye's phone flew into her hand.

Cleo glared at Faye and melted the frost off of her shoulder.

It was going to be a long drive.


"We're here!" Faye sang.

Cleo gave her a dirty look but lifted her head to the window, childish wonder on her face. While both girls were in their mid-twenties Cleo had childish tendencies.

"C'mon, Let's get a drink. I have been in the car with you for way too long." Faye said, ignoring the dirty look from Cleo.

"I'll meet you in there in a second?"Cleo said, slipping on her waterproof coat.

Faye strode into the bar, Rousseau's, with a smirk painted on her lips. She sat at the bar and ordered a Bourbon. Upon looking around she noticed a blonde man who was sitting with a dark-skinned man looking at her with fury in his eyes. She scoffed at the man and flipped him her middle finger.

She gazed through the window and noticed it was raining.

"Dammit, Cleo." She sighed before she threw back the rest of her drink and walked outside to help her sister would either be flopping around like a fish on the ground or cowering in the car.

The second she left the restaurant she was slammed into the wall by the blonde man, who had his hand around her neck.

"Hayley, did you not learn your lesson a few nights ago or do you just have a death wish?"The man spat out.

"Who the hell are you?" Faye said before kneeing him in the balls and shoving him off of her.

She used her magic to pin him to the ground.

"How do you know Hayley?"Faye snarled.

"That is none of your concern." The man said with a smirk.

"I'm her sister so yes it is my concern if she is associated with an asshole like you."

She released him from her magical hold. "Take us to her," Faye said.

"Us?" The man said with a raised eyebrow.

The rain had now stopped and Cleo made her way out of the car, trying her best to avoid puddles.

"Yes. Us." Faye said with a smirk.

The man was slack-jawed for a moment before he shook his head, grabbed the arms of the two girls, and speed to the plantation.

" Hayley! He roared." Do you care you explain these two mini Hayley's who just wandered into Rousseau's?"

Soon enough a girl who had a face that matched their own appeared.

"What are you talking about Klaus, I have no-" "Omigod."

Cleo looked sheepish and Faye smirked "Hey sis." Faye said.

Hayley looked like she was about to cry.

" Hi-Hayley. I'm Cleo and this is Faye. We're your triplets." Cleo said with a small smile.

Hayley didn't say anything and Cleo looked down dejectedly.

"I guess I'll just go, It was nice-" Cleo was cut off as Hayley ran forward and pulled the two girls into a hug.

"I'm so happy to meet you!I-I've been looking for my family for a really long time!"Hayley gushed.

"I'm loving the reunion scene but does anyone care to explain that asshole?" Faye said, jerking her thumb in the blonde man's direction.

Hayley winced. "Umm He's my-"

"Baby-Daddy?" Faye questioned with a knowing look.

Hayley nodded and winced whilst Cleo's eyes popped out of her head.

"Well- You could have done worse," Faye said with a shrug eyeing the man, Klaus, who visibly puffed up at her words.

"You should have seen Cleo's boyfriend before I found her. HE was UG-ly. " Faye said with a snort.

"Louis was not that bad!" Cleo whined.

Faye pulled out her phone and showed Hayley a picture of him.

Hayley laughed and nodded along in agreement with Faye.

"Not that this isn't a touching scene but I'm afraid Hayley here has some explaining to do. For example, how is it that you are a witch when your sister is a werewolf?" Klaus said, looking at Faye.

"You're a witch?" Hayley asked warily.

"Yup," Faye said, looking at the lights and causing them to flicker.

"What about you love, any tricks up your sleeve?" Klaus asked Cleo, who was visibly uncomfortable underneath his intense gaze.

Cleo nervously looked to Faye who nodded in support.

Cleo walked over to the kitchen and turned on the tap.

Hayley and Klaus exchanged curious looks as she ran her hand under the water and quickly lay down on the ground.

"What the bloody hell is she doing?" Klaus hissed.

"Just wait for it," Faye instructed in a bored tone whilst counting down from ten on her fingers.

A large thump was heard and Hayley and Klaus were shocked at what they saw.

Cleo was a mermaid.

"Ta-da?" Cleo said with a sheepish grin.

Bahahaha I love this so much.
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- Bean

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