Chapter Two: Something Smells Fishy

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Cleo looked embarrassed at Klaus's shell-shocked expression and quickly moved her clenched fist along the length of her tail to steam dry it, wincing at the heat.

"Well, This is fun.Where's your booze?" Faye said, attempting to diffuse the tension in the room.

Klaus rubbed hand over his face and pointed down the hall to a shelf of whiskey.

Faye strutted down the hall and picked out the most expensive looking bottle before bringing it to her lips.

However right as she was about to drink the bottle was swiped out of her hand by an angry and disheveled blonde.

" What the hell do you think you are doing? No niece or nephew of mine will be disabled because their mommy couldn't stay away from the liquor cabinet!" The blonde ranted.

Faye was about to explain to the blonde that she was not Hayley when Klaus, Hayley, and Cleo stepped out into the hallway making the blonde freeze in shock.

"What the hell?" The girl asked looking desperately confused.

"Rebekah! You're back!" Klaus said, gleefully smug about his sister's confusion.

"You'll be happy to meet Hayley's long-lost identical triplets! One of which is  a witch and one of which is a bloody mermaid."

Klauses rant was interrupted by Cleo running over to Rebekah and tackling her in a hug.

"Emm! I thought you were traveling with your parents!" Cleo ranted, overjoyed to see her friend.

"Cleo?" Rebekah squealed before returning her friends hug.

Klauses jaw hit the floor for the third time that day and to be honest he was getting tired of it.

An awful idea formed in his mind as he stalked over to the kitchen and filled a cup with water before promptly pouring it on Rebekah's head.

Rebekah attempted to lunge at her brother but he dodged her and this got Cleo wet in the process.

Ten seconds later Rebekah and Cleo were in their mermaid forms and glaring at Klaus.

Rebekah had expected yelling when her brothers found out, she'd expected fighting and she might have expected to be daggered, the one thing she did not expect was laughter.

Not 3 seconds after seeing Rebekah in her mer-form Klaus was keeling over in laughter, wheezing, and pointing at his sisters tail.

Hayley's eyes were popping out of her head and Faye just looked annoyed.

Once Klaus had composed himself, he sat there with a shit-eating grin and stared at the two girls.

"So, Rebekah what was it you wanted to tell me, you seemed quite urgent over the phone."

Rebekah scowled and winced as she and Cleo steam dried their tails.

"What I wanted to tell you Nik, was that because of your idiocy our brother is in the hands of Marcel's secret weapon!" Rebekah shouted.

Klaus scowled. "Well don't hold back sister what is this weapon Marcel has against the witches."

"Not a what, a who. A girl, no more than sixteen and I have never felt power like that before." Rebekah said as she and Cleo got off the floor.

Cleo could tell Rebekah/ Emma ( She was so going to yell at her for lying about that) was doing her best to hold onto her dignity, as her brother had just seen her in her mermaid form.

But Rebekah, being Rebekah, somehow managed to be the picture of poised rage as she drew herself up and began yelling her brother about family and promises and the well-being of some other brother she had.

Faye raised her hand in the middle of Rebekah's rant with a annoyed expression.

"Hello! I'm sorry but could any if you tell me what the hell an original is?"

Cleo who looked as confused as Faye did bitchy joined in,

" Yea, I don't mean to be rude or anything but what are you guys? Faye said there weren't any circles here and I'm fairly sure there aren't any moon pools either."

Now it was Klaus's turn to look confused once again,

"What the bloody hell is a moon pool and what does a circle have to do with witchcraft?"

Faye pressed her palm to her forehead, it was going to be a long night.

IM NOT DEAD I SWEAR!this story is so hard to write but I love it and I'm just so annoyed bc I really enjoy doing like the banter and talking in this story but I can't pick a plot and it's like reversed in my TW story (dialogues hard and plot is ea...

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this story is so hard to write but I love it and I'm just so annoyed bc I really enjoy doing like the banter and talking in this story but I can't pick a plot and it's like reversed in my TW story (dialogues hard and plot is easy) and just like djfjxnebaksbdkksooasjd.
im fine it's fine
* ps claire holt is a goddess
- bean

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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