Chapter 1

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November 5, 1985

Nancy Wheeler shoved her hands into her pockets, in an attempt to warm her freezing and shaking hands. She trudged her feet along the side of the road, kicking pebbles in frustration. A crisp and chilled wind swept through her; she tensed at the sudden impact.

Where in the hell is Jonathan?

She was angry with him, but also worried, as he did not pick her up for school. Every school morning for nearly the past year, Jonathan would be waiting out front for Nancy. He would be leaning against his car, smiling at her with his camera around his neck.

They had gotten closer than ever since that night at Murray's. Nancy smiled to herself, thinking about that particular night. She had opened the bedroom door, and, apparently, he had the same thought as she, because he was standing centimeters away from the door. Nancy stood there in complete shock, and Jonathan had made the first move. It was a quick kiss, one that left Nancy confused and taken aback.

Even though it was a quick one, she had felt herself filling with crave and desire. She stared at him for a few more moments, then she was the one who initiated the next kiss. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. Jonathan smiled through the kiss, and pulled away for a split second to take a breath. Nancy kissed him again, and so did he back. Their lips moved in perfect sync, never missing a beat. Jonathan wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. Nancy could feel her entire body heating up; she had never felt like this before, not even with Steve.

Jonathan's heart was racing, uncontrollably. He had his hand in her hair, feeling the softness of it. He moved them into the bedroom, and Nancy slammed the door, causing Jonathan to break away startled. She laughed, only for a second before Jonathan crashed his lips to hers again. Her head began to spin, and the rest was a blur that Nancy still smiled about to this day.

Her eyes snapped directly in front of her, and she instantly panicked when she realized where she was sanding.

She had gotten so lost in her thoughts; she hadn't realized that she was standing in the middle of the road. Nancy spun around to see a car slamming on breaks, missing her by a foot. She fell back in surprise, and quickly got up.

Mike jumped out of the car, followed by Steve, Dustin, Lucas, and Max.

"Nance! Are you okay? Why were you in the middle of the road? What happened?", Mike spilled out.

Nancy scratched her forehead.

"Uh, Jonathan was supposed to give me a ride to school, but he wasn't there this morning. I was going to be late to school, so I decided to walk by myself. And then somehow I got lost in my thoughts and before I knew it I almost got hit by you guys."

Steve felt a smile spread across his face.

"So, Jonathan didn't show up? That's a bummer. But why didn't you ask me for a ride?"

Nancy directed at the group of freshmen standing behind Steve.

"I figured you had your hands full, you know, trying to get these gremlins to school and get to your job on time."

Steve simply shrugged.

"I could have made an extra stop for you. I always can for you, Nance."

She forced an awkward smile.

"I appreciate it, Steve."

He gestured to his car.

"I've got room if you want a ride now to school. It'll be tight with not much space, but I don't think you wanna walk, do you?"

"Thanks, Steve, but I'll just walk. I'm not far."

Steve stepped closer to Nancy, making her take a step back.

"Please come with me, uh, I mean us. It's the least I can do after almost running you over."

Nancy gives in, deciding it isn't worth arguing over.

She climbs in the car, squished between Mike and Dustin. She glanced at the kids, who weren't so much kids anymore, and couldn't believe how fast they have all grown. She felt guilt rising in her.

You said you would spend more time with them, hell even just with your brother.

She looked for a while at Mike, who was now taller than she, and she couldn't believe she hadn't payed much attention to him the past few months. His hair was voluminous and wildly curly. She smiled to herself, before ruffling it. Mike glared at her and punched her shoulder.

"Don't mess with my hair! It's mine not yours."

Damn, a lot has changed about him, and not just his physical appearance.

Dustin turned and whispered to Nancy.

"He's been very protective of his hair lately because El said it was pretty, and now he doesn't want to mess it up."

"Is that so, Mike?"

"Shut up! That's totally not why!

Mike's cheeks turned pink, and he covered his face with his hands to hide it. Nancy and Dustin laughed at how bad he was at hiding his feelings for El.

El was for the time being homeschooled by Hopper and Joyce. It still wasn't completely safe for her to come out in public much yet, but soon she was going to be able to.

Steve pulled into the high school drop off, and Max, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike piled out.

"Bye Nance, see you later!", Mike called as he and his friends left.


As Nancy got out of the car, Steve grabbed her arm. She jerked back, out of instinct.

Steve's eyes didn't leave Nancy's, and she couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with him; it was too awkward.

"Nancy, if you ever need a ride anywhere, just call me, okay?"

Nancy gulped. "Thanks, Steve. It means a lot."

He smiled softly, and gently let go of her arm. Nancy got out, and shut the door. She waved at Steve, and he waved back and drove off. Nancy hurriedly sped into the school, and to her locker to allow herself to think.

That was nothing, Nancy! He was just being friendly is all. Quit being such a bitch.

Nancy gathered her things from her locker, and headed to Jonathan's locker. He wasn't there. Nancy felt worry and panic rising in her; this was unlike him. If he wasn't able to pick her up, or if he wouldn't be at school, he would always call and tell Nancy.

The warning bell rang, indicating that Nancy had exactly one minute to get to class before she was counted tardy. She stood there for a moment, thinking about what she should do.

Oh, what the hell. I won't make it to class on time anyways.

And with that thought in her head, she stormed out of the school to go look for Jonathan.

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