Chapter 16

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Joyce pulled over on the side of the road, turning off the engine. She glanced at Nancy reluctantly.

"I don't want to bother him, Nance. He's probably working."

"We need his help! We need another person helping us out. Please, Joyce, let's at least try."

Joyce sighed, and she eventually gave in. They walked into the woods to Hopper's cabin, in hopes of him helping them once more. It was early morning, so he should still be there, sleeping. Nancy walked up the steps, and banged on the door.

"Hopper, it's Nancy and Joyce. Please open up. We need help."

Eleven peered through the window, and she opened the door for them. Nancy jumped back in surprise when she saw her.

"Oh, hey! El! How are you? Mind if we come in?"

She simply nodded, and gestured them in. Joyce hesitated at first, but she came in seconds behind Nancy. Hopper came running in from his bedroom, fearing that intruders had come in.

"Joyce? Nancy? What are you guys doing here so early? And, El! I told you to ask me first before you let people in."

"Sorry, Hopper", she mumbled.

"It's fine, El. Just be careful next time." He directed his attention to Joyce and Nancy. "Please have a seat. Tell me what's going on."

They sat down. "Look", Joyce started, "I know you've been busy with work and all, but we really need your help. We tried the plan Nancy talked about at the hospital, and so far, everything we are testing is failing. I don't know what to do anymore."

Eleven's curiosity piqued. "Is this about Jonathan?"

Nancy and Joyce exchanged glances. "How did she..." "I told her everything", Hopper cut off. "It didn't seem fair to lie to her as to why I've been so busy."

Nancy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But you haven't helped the past 2 days at all? You've been busy with your other work, right?"

"That's not the point. I'm going to help now, I promise."

Eleven sighed. "I want to help."

Hopper tensed. "No. I told you why you can't."

"I can help in other ways... I don't have to close the gate."

Joyce's eyes lit up. "How else could you help?"

Hopper glared at Eleven. "Tell us, El."

"I know somebody that could help. She makes people see things that... that aren't really... there?", she struggled to find the right words.

"Who?", Joyce questioned.

"She's my sister. Kali."

"How exactly could she help Jonathan get back home?", Nancy asked.

"I... um.... I'm not sure?"

"Wait! That's it", Nancy clapped. "Can Kali make people see anything? Like anything at all? In their head, but it's not actually real?"

Eleven nodded.

"Do you think her powers are strong enough to manipulate the mind flayer's mind and make him see something? Maybe we could distract him and get Jonathan out!"

"Hold on! Slow down!", Hopper yelled. "El, how do you even know that Kali will help us? Where even is she?"

"She's my sister. She will help. And I can find her. In the void."

Joyce felt hope rising in her again. "It's our only chance. I cannot think of anything else. Please, Hopper. Let El help us out."

He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Fine. Once El finds her, I am going with you all to find her as well. We're in this together."

Joyce stood up and embraced him. "Thank you, Hopper. Thank you."

He hugged back, resting his head on hers. Nancy smiled at them softly, thinking of Jonathan and his hugs. He gave the best hugs in Nancy's opinion.

"Ahem", Eleven said. "I need to find Kali, so we can save Jonathan."

Joyce broke from Hopper's embrace. "What are we waiting for?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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