Chapter 15

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Nancy had jumped back, startled. The voice she heard was barely a whisper, but she heard it. And she knew who it was.

"Jonathan?", she breathed.

She had left the Byers' house a few minutes after Joyce had retreated to her room, leaving her sitting there alone. She decided she better head home anyways before her parents found out she wasn't there. As she was heading out onto the street, the street light overhead began to flicker on and off. Nancy's body froze in fear, thinking it was something else; something beyond terrible that could harm her. But then she heard a voice, barely a hush among the still night. She then knew it was Jonathan, standing just a few feet in front of her, just not in the same dimension.

She now stepped forward a bit, straining her ears to hear for his voice just one more time.

"Nancy!", she heard him call out. It was louder this time; it was still a whisper, but it was most certainly louder than the last.

"Jonathan! I'm right here!"

"Where are you?!"

"I'm here!", Nancy cried out. "I'm here."


And then his voice disappeared just as soon as it came. She collapsed onto the ground, breaking into a silent sob. "Jonathan", she choked out. "I'm here."


Jonathan ran in circles; his hands in his hair, grasping it stressfully. He had heard her voice. It was so clear, and he knew she heard him too. She was so close, and it hurt him beyond words that he couldn't see her. He could feel her presence, and he could hear her. Her voice was a faint whisper, but it didn't matter to him; he had heard her and that was all that mattered.

He continued calling out, desperate for a sign of her anywhere. He heard nothing, felt nothing. Jonathan felt utterly broken; he wanted nothing more to be in the normal world, lounging around with his family and Nancy. That was all he wanted. He had it once before, not too long ago, and he has taken it for granted. Jonathan wished he wouldn't have been so oblivious.


Nancy climbed into her window, trying to be as quiet as she could, but she was a complete mess. She had gone over the edge, past her breaking point. Hearing his voice was really what pushed her beyond the edge.

She shut her window slowly, and then she fell onto her bed. Her face was raw from crying; her makeup smudged all over. Nancy was silent now. She had nothing else left in her, no energy or any emotion. She felt numb to the world like nothing else could affect her.

Nancy never fell asleep that night; she just lay on her bed, unmoving. Eventually, in the early hours of morning, it hit her. It all came rushing back, but this time she didn't cry. She was so hurt and angry she couldn't cry anymore. Nancy had a fire burning in her chest, spreading all throughout her body. It was strong and immense.

But it would be that fire inside her, burning strongly, that would lead her to fight back. She was more determined than ever before; she was filled with rage at the mind flayer, but mostly resoluteness to get Jonathan back home without hurting Will in any way. She knew as long as the fire burned inside of her, she could do it.


sorry for not updating the past week (ish i think?) but thank you guys for your votes and comments! :) i appreciate all of it. also thank you for 300 reads! it means a lot to me. have a lovely day <3


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