How to train your Chinsese Dragon: Night of the hunters 2

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(The outfit above on the male next to the woman is what Huôlong wears)
A few short have gone by since there capture, the captured dragon riders try to devise a plan of escape while also trying to wrap there head around Heather joining the Dragon Hunters. Meanwhile there new friend lies unconscious in the cell across from them, it seems the metal the cell is made of had affect on him.
"Dagur is here and Heather has joined him?" Fishlegs says as Astrid leans against the cell door looking towards Huôlong a bit worriedly.
"Trusting her was a big mistake." She says angrily.
"Right? I mean who puts loyalty for there brother over there friends." Ruffnut adds as she crosses her arms over her chest.
"Got that right sister." Tuffnut adds copying what she had done.
"What do these Dragon hunters want with us anyway." Astrid turns to face them when a familiar voice comes from behind her.
"You're about to find out." Heather says with a smirk as one of her hunters unlocks the cell and yanks Astrid out while the other opens up Huôlong's cell and drags him out.
"Let him go!" Fishlegs yells as Huôlong groans in pain as the hunter drags him out of his cell. The hunter ignores him and Heather begins forcing Astrid towards Ryker's office.
"I can't believe you would do this, after all we've done for you. Took you in taught you had to ride and saved your life more than once." She angrily stated looking back and glaring at Heather.
"I appreciate that you all had done that for me but it's time to follow my destiny, Dagur is my brother is my brother and I trust him with my life besides you don't understand what it feels like to be truly alone." Heather says when Astrid lets out a little chuckle.
"You're going to regret trusting him. Believe me." Astrid states when they finally arrive at the door of Ryker's office.
"I'm glad you are concerned about me but trust my advice you should be more concerned about yourself." Heather says as she knocks on the door signaling Ryker that he's brought the pair that he's asked for. After giving the ok she opens the door and pulls out her weapon to threaten Astrid.
"Ryker information from you and your freak friend and trust me he can be very persuasive." She smirks as Astrid glare towards and walks inside with the Hunter dragons Huôlong with them.
Once they enter Ryker sits at his desk looking at papers when his look up to see them, Dagur looks towards them excitedly when he sees the dragon boy but Ryker looks towards him causing him to glare back but calm down.
"Dagur, wake up the dragon boy so we can begin to question them." Ryker orders, David nods and makes his way over and slaps the male awake causing the boy to growl and attempt to attack when Heather holds her weapon to his throat causing him to freeze.
"Good boy now sit next to you dragon rider friend and if you do anything your friend is dead." She warns him as he glares but slowly walks over and sits next Astrid.
"Now Dragon rider." Dagur begins to say in a teasing tone.
"Where are you keeping the dragon eye?" He ask when Astrid simply glares back him. Ryker watches this in silence.
"Well......?" He questions when Heather walks over to Huôlong and holds her weapon to his throat noticing that he's still weak from something. Astrid looks over at him but keeps her mouth shut, Dagur sighs and walks towards the dragon boy and bends down.
"Do you know where the dragon eye is little buddy?" He questions making an attempt of an innocent look on his face.
"彷彿我會告訴你這樣的敗類!" (Fǎngfú wǒ huì gàosù nǐ zhèyàng de bàilèi: As if i would ever tell scum like you!) he yells and then spits into Dagur face, he stands there in shock for a second when an angry expression quickly takes over and he holds up the boy by the collar of his clothing.
"Now listen here you! I really like to have you as a weapon but if you keep up with that attitude I might just have to go after the others that are like you!" Dagur yells, shortly after a brief silence Huôlong begins to laugh which slowly turns into one of insanity when he suddenly stops as he's looking back towards Heather. His crazed smile falls quickly as a very confused and slightly scared Heather stares at him.
"......我是最後一個..."(Wǒ shì zuìhòu yīgè: I'm the last one...) he says causing Dagur to shake him violently.
"Speak normally dang it! I know you can if they can understand you!" He yells once more when Huôlong slowly leans back up with his eyes closed and slowly opens one.
"I'm the last one......all the others are dead." He tells him, Dagur stares at him in shock and then drops onto the floor.
"" He repeats as Ryker's eyes widen in shock but then turn into a cruel smile as the thought of how much he would cost begins to form in his mind.
"Yep I'm a one of a kind and I know you have many more questions so I shall answer them all now. I come from the land of China, yes we have dragons but they are far bigger and more dangerous and are not affected by your weapons, there are ten different types of dragons in all and they are.
Tianlong, The Celestial Dragon
Shenlong, the Spiritual Dragon
Fucanglong, the Dragon of Hidden Treasures
Dilong, the Underground Dragon
Yinglong, the Winged Dragon
Jiaolong, the Horned Dragon
Panlong, the Coiling Dragon: inhabits the waters
Huanglong, Yellow Dragon, which emerged from the River Luo to show Fuxi the elements of writing
Dragon King." Huôlong begins to explain.
"The type of dragon that is able to mate with a human is the Dilong, my mother was human and my father was a dragon if you were wondering." He continues when Heather interrupt him.
    "So how come all of your kind are dead?" She questions, he looks down as his hair covers his eyes.
    "......We have our own dragon hunters but they only hunt my kind down. My father betrayed us all under the idea that we only brought misfortune to humans since all of our mothers had passed when we were born......They killed our friends as well...our dragon brethren who stayed with us and allowed us to ride was a complete massacre. I the only survivor escaped that by flying away like a coward." He explains as Heather remembers how she felt when Dagur destroyed her village.
     "Well enough with this story so..." Dagur begins to say when he walks over and looks down at Astrid.
    "Back to the dragon eye." He smirks evilly causing a bit of a chill to go down Astrids spine.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Many hours later~~~~~~~~
     When morning finally comes Astrid and Huôlong are dragged back to there cells, the others are asleep when the cell door opens awaking them.
     "Astrid are you ok?" Fishlegs ask when she sighs.
      "Just tired, they questioned me all night they wouldn't even let me sleep." She tells him a bit tiredly.
     "They?" Fishlegs questions when she says it.
      "Dagur and Geatger mostly. That Ryker guy didn't really do anything...He just......stared." She comments as she remembers the long night.
      "Well you held strong. You didn't crack. You never even moved a muscle. You never talked." Ruffnut says intensely as she lies on her back.
    "Actually I did talk. I told them where the Dragon eye was." She tells them as disappoint crosses over Tuffnuts face. Ruffnut sits up and huffs an annoyed "Oh...Way to go Astrid."
    "There after the dragon eye?" Fishlegs questions as Astrid nods.
"It's very important to the hunters, I told them it was on Dragons Edge safety with the tons of other dragon riders." She explains the last part loudly as a guard walks by.
"What? No ones-" Tuffnut begins to say when Astrid cuts him off.
"Supposed to know about it." She continues for him when Fishlegs catches on.
"Yeah Dragons Edge is like a fortress with tons of dragon riders." He says with a smirk.
"And there all under the command of Captain Gustav." She says again lowed enough for the hunters to hear.
"Wait 'Captain Gustav'? He outranks me?" Tuffnut says confusingly.
"It was the only thing I could thing of from them sailing in and taking over Dragons Edge." She whispers towards him.
"Ha! And they actually bought it?" Ruffnut ask with a grin on her face as Astrid nods.
"It will do for now but Ryker will eventually send someone to check it out and we need escape begin that happens." She tells them.
"So any ideas?"'she questions, then the plan making begins.
During that time Huôlong look up towards his cell and closes his eyes as the memories of that week flash through his mind, the blood, the screams, the fire...all still remained fresh in his mind, he had long since turned back into his human form since his other only last 20 hours. He sighs deeply as the smell of the ships wood and sea water gill his lungs, he hears the conversation that his friends are having but his mind remains focused on his old friends. Unknownest to him Astrid had decided to tell them about what He had told Dagur causing them all to look towards him, his mouth opens up slowly as he begins to sing an old song in respect for his fallen brothers and sisters. (You can play the song now)
"Will he be ok......?" Fishlegs ask somberly.
"By the way he looked I don't think he will...but we can't focus on that now we need a plan." She tells them as they go back to trying to plan there escape but Huôlong's haunting song disratctes them until it ends.
~~~~~~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~
After fifteen minutes of failed plans Heather arrives to take them all to see Ryker. After getting them all there he introduces himself in a very 'kind manner' as Huôlong rolls his eyes, he leads them all to show them all to there dragons showing them how they are being treated. One after another each dragon rider is angered by what they see except the twins until Ryker tells them what they plan to do with there dragons skin, Huôlong the whole time looks down avoiding to look but his anger slowly rises after each outburst from his friends. His claws slowly form and so do his scales. Ryker notices and walks over.
"Oh don't worry after we're done with all of them...your next." He whispers finally causing the boy to snap and attempt to attack him when Dagur holds him back, he roars loudly and snarls as he tries to escape Dagur's grip when Ryker punches him in the gut hard knocking the air out of him causing him to go back to his normal form and blacks out.
"Now back to business." Ryker says as he goes back and begins to threaten and demand answers from the dragon riders, he swears to them that there dragons will get better treatment if they tell him everything that they know about the Dragons eye and Dragons Edge. When they stand together and refuse Ruffnut begs him not to. After that little episode they are all lead back to there cells, a hunter throws Huôlong's limp body back into his cell. A few minutes go by before they begin to plan again, when Ruffnut reveals that she has the key they quickly devise there plan and set it into action. After freeing themselves and Huôlong, Astrid quickly wakes him up and tells him to go free the other dragons. He nods and runs off. When they all find there dragons and begin to free them the twins accidentally set off an alarm and gets them all captured again except for Huôlong who was able to free at least four dragons before flying off quickly with them. When the Dragon Riders here about them they pray to Thor that he finds Hiccup and helps them escape.
~~~~~~~~After an hour of working~~~~~~~
After being put to work by Ryker two dragons are noticed by a hunter.
"Its Hiccup and Snot-hat." Dagur growls as Ryker orders the catapults and archers to aim. When Hiccup dives in Dagur gets excited by the fact but Heather understands that Hiccup is no full and has something planned. Ryker orders his men to fire but the arrows show no effect when they hit.
"Ok uumm what is going on?" Dagur questions as he pulls out his telescope and notices the white scaled armor on there dragons bodies.
"There wearing some sort of dragon armor!" He shouts when Toothless destroys a few of there catapults. As this goes on the other Dragon Riders attack when a huge fire blast sets the sails a blaze causing Ryker to look up confused knowing it didn't come from the Night fury or the Nightmare. A dragon Fula down from the clouds, a dragon that none of the hunters have ever seen before. A familiar rider could be seen riding it as it swoops down and knocks over a few hunters. Dagur stares at with pure joy and excitement with a bit of insanity mixed in.
"That must be the dragon that kid was talking about! That must be it!" He yells catching Ryker's attention.
"Archers, fire towards that huge dragon!" He orders but when they do the arrows don't effect it.
"What the..."Ryker begins to say when the dragon attacks one of the support ships but before he can order an attack Dagur yells out that the Nightfury had lost some of its armor.
As the battle begins to wind down with the captured dragon riders escaping with there dragon riders and Ryker left on his beaten ship he realizes.
"I may have underestimated these dragon riders." He tells himself. Meanwhile As the Dragon Riders ride off to see another day Huôlong finally goes back down from the clouds.
"So what did I miss?" He ask.
"Astrid told me that we have a lot to discuss when we get back to Dragons Edge but I feel that this will not be the last time we see the Dragon hunters." Hiccup explains as Huôlong nods in agreement as they continue flying back home.
Back on Ryker's ship as hunters put out the fires Heather and Dagur are standing around him as he looks off into the distance with a somewhat confident look on his face.
"So what should we do now?" Heather questions knowing that they have nothing left to return to there base with.
"We report back to Viggo." He tells them both causing Dagur to fling his arms about in confusion and anger.
"And tell him what!?" He yells when Ryker smirks evilly.
"We tell him we're one step closer to the dragon eye and..." he looks down at a dragon scale that he had fallen off from Huôlong's wings while he was in his cell.
"We've made an new discovery." He answers as his smirk gets darker.

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