Ch.1 End of Hellsing

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Alucard pov

I was standing next to my masters deathbed. In one of her rare moments of consciousness I heard Sir Integra ask me a question.

"Alucard, what are you doing here?"

I responded,

"I am here to see my master off, at least if your stance on my offer still stands."

She replied,

"Alucard, I was born a human and I will die a human, I have absolutely no regrets besides the fact that I was stuck with an a**hole like you."

Smiling I spoke,

"As hard headed as ever my b*tch of a master."

Something starts to run down my cheeks I feel it only to see blood on my fingers. Integra speaks,

"You know it's unfitting that a demon, no a Dracula would cry so dry your tears and go find a new path. You vampire prick, that's an order."

I scoffed and replied,

"Since when have I ever followed your orders you daft c*nt."

She smacked me with what little strength she had and said,

"Then don't think of it as an order but as a last request, and I seem to remember during a certain 'war' that you released level zero when I told you."

I laugh halfheartedly and reply,

"Ha, ha, ha you're never gonna let me live that down are you?"

She smiles and says,

"Not even when I meet you again in hell, by the way I'll hold the gate open for you when you get there."

I sigh,

"Very funny but what about Seras? Are her orders the same."

She stares at me and coughs up some blood.

"*cough* Yes it is, although where she goes is up to her since she is now a full fledged vampire instead of a half-a**ed wannabe vampire b*tch."

I smile,

"Yep she's certainly a real godd*mn fuck mothering vampire isn't she?"

Integra is no longer listening it seems she passed away while I was talking. So I say,

"Sweet Dreams my master may we never meet again."

I then leave to find Seras.

[Time skip and scene change to when he found Seras in a forest with a full moon out.]

After I find Seras I say to her,

"Wonderful night, is it not? We have our final orders, or requests from Integra, she wants us to find our own paths. This means that we are free to do whatever we want."

Seras replies,

"I think I'm gonna go sit near a few battle fields and wait until they kill each other and take their blood."

I'm shocked but mildly impressed,

"I honestly didn't expect that from you. My how you have changed since when we first met... speaking of which, this night brings back some memories... how appropriate that the same night we met, that we shall depart from one another."

Seras sighs,

"Well I guess I should get going. But before I do what are you going to do master?"

I laugh and transform into my little girl body (one in cover) with long straight black hair and round smooth features.

"Well I thought I might try school. I heard of a wonderful place in Japan that may or may not be home to a few devils, although to make this believable I will have to change my voice."

Seras jumps away as I think,

'Well Kouh Town, I hope your prepared because I'm coming for you.'

End Ch 1

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