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"In here, you don't choose the best; you have to choose the less wicked among the two. You only choose between devil and satan."


Hello everyone! This is my new book. It might be a little more serious than my previous books. But don't worry, it won't be boring.

There will be violent parts in some chapters. So if you're not comfortable with it, you could skip them.
I dedicate this book to every oppressed people in the world. Most of facts in these books actually happened somewhere in the world. Some people are chased and hated for criticizing their government, some die because of it and others simply accept the sad truth. That's why this book means a lot to me. So respect my rights on this book or I'll get to you.

Remember that all the characters are fictional and I'm just using Harry Styles for his looks (I hope that doesn't sound mean). Also, country and towns are purely fictional, in order not to point anyone in particular.

Please, remember to vote and comment. I had been working on it for a long moment on it so I hope to get some feedbacks. If there is any problem with the writing, don't worry about telling me. I'm always open to suggestion and help.

Enjoy x

Between Devil and Satan (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now