The workings of life (short introduction chapter)

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I shut my chemistry text book a little too dramatically and leaned back in my rolling desk chair. With a sigh I picked up my phone and started scrolling through instagram. Nothing fun or over the top today to look at other then the normal lives of all the celebrities I follow. I move to the 'My Profile' page.

Jason_Fals1      1 follower      47 follows

No Posts

Ah dear old ma' following me. A great way to start of my following base.
The following base of no one. It's not like I even care or post anything. I don't need an ego boost when I have none.
I click the home button of my phone and just fruitlessly stare at the screen.
No notifications.
I swiped between my two home pages back and forth quickly for not apparent reason then maybe to pass the time? But eventually I shut it and threw it onto my bed where I would soon be.
I stand up and push the chair back underneath the over hang of my worn out desk. It was my grandpa's old desk; he had given it to my dad before he passed away and my dad had no use for it and put it in my room no warnings or questions asked. I mean it wasn't that bad but still he just dragged it into my room while I was sleeping and I swear I will pop someone if they interrupt my sleep. I need it desperately for how often I'm up past 2 am studying.
I study this often because of my mother. She's never home and is always abroad. You'd think that's because she's rich but no. She's an assistant of an assistant for the CEO of Delta Airlines. So where ever the CEO goes the assistant goes, and where ever the assistant goes my Mom goes.
Yeah I don't understand it much either but that's beside the point. I don't think since I was 6 I have spent an entire day with her and I'm 17 right now so 11 Year's of pure nothingness. We FaceTime occasionally but other then that I really done see her that much.
But she's still more in my life then my father. He's a workaholic and I guess you could say a bar-aholic. He doesn't get drunk or anything like that. He just goes to work then goes to the bar for something I have yet to figure out. Then he oversleeps and goes to work. Same cycle everyday. I love him and all but he needs to stop. I need a figure in my life. But oh well.
I walk out of my room and down the stairs and look at the clock on the oven.
2:31 AM
I'm going to bed sooner then I usually do. I could swear almost always past 3.
I grab a water from the fridge and down it like I've been deprived of it and stuck in a dessert for a week. After I finish it I throw it in the bin and go back up to my room. I plug my phone into the lighting cord and lay it on my nightstand next to my alarm clock that is so old it looks like it's going to turn into a pile of dust.
I lay over and I almost immediately fall asleep just due to the thought of Monday and school is back in progress.

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