Come Over

36 7 3

After the bang, I couldn't really process what they were saying. Like it went through my brain and I understood it but I was to caught up on the anxiety and adrenaline to really put it to use.
"Where are you ya' little cheater?"
What does he mean cheater? What does he mean number Seven?
Oh right, that's the number that is highlighted on my phone with all my information. Was it coincidental?
Who is he? He had a deep voice and by the sounds of his footsteps, he is huge. Not someone I could take on with my scrawny self.
"Oh, Seeevenn!" He said dragging on the number for what seemed like years as he clomped through the lower portions of my house and what sounded like doors opening and closing.
"You upstairs eh? I get it. Hiding in your bedroom like a coward. What a dishonorable way to go."
I need to get out of here. I look around to see my options knowing I have only a couple seconds before he reaches the landing on the 2nd floor.
My bedroom door is out of bounds seeing as he's coming up the steps. Could I hide under the bed and hope he doesn't think to check there?
No way. He'll totally see through that.
I now look at my last option. A window facing our neighbors lot. There was a wire attaching to the wall of our house above the window. Power lines to be exact. It led to the pole in front of my neighbors house. While in recent days it goes underground for most homes, my house is pretty old even though its been renovated a couple times.
I lean back and grab a thin sheet and a jacket. I put my phone inside the jumbled up jacket and stand on the windowsill.
I take the sheet and pull it half and half across the wire and hold on right to the jacket in my left fist. Right as my bedroom door threw open with a hit to the wall I push off and slide to the pole. I hit it and fell.
Due to the adrenaline, I didn't feel much. I sat up and spun to face my window. Thank you old house!
A huge blonde man stood in the window frame and almost filled it completely up. He was wearing a leather jacket and had a piercing gaze.
"Nice move, but if you think you're going to get away from me with just that your mistaken!" He yelled from the top of my small 2 story home. I don't get it. What does he want from me?
"Why am I being hunted by you?!?" I stumble backward as the words came out.
He laughed. But it wasn't a normal laugh. It bellowed in the morning air. It sounded like a creepy rendition of Santa's jolly laugh.
"You silly little boy. Sucks your life had to end this young but I have my causes. I wouldn't do this if it didn't have the stakes it did."
Stakes? Causes? What's going on!
He jumps out of the window and lands on the ground like how Superman does in the movies. How and why does a guy like him know or want to kill me? Makes no sense. There's no way he's from here. Everyone here is at most as buff as a junior linebacker. He's a freaking hulk in the regular pigmented skin.
He stood up and pulled out a handgun from his belt loop. He started this easy-going stride towards me cocking the gun and test firing it at the sky just to get a rise out of me.
He got what he wanted. I freaked out and bolted toward the neighbors' house.
The Steins were never home. They are a bit old so they probably got their retirement fund and are living the best out of the rest of their lives.
But no use thinking about their long lives when mine is about to be cut short.
I turned around to see where he was at in the distance of tailing me. He was a bit behind me as he was being cocky and still waltzing slow.
A used this as an advantage and took a sharp turn to the left to flank the house. I'm guessing the doors are locked so no use in testing it's I run into the flower bed and punch a window until it cracked as used my body to shatter the pieces and fall onto the linoleum flop of their kitchen. I hoisted myself into and through the frame and climbed off the countertop. He was probably rounding the corner of the house now so my choices had to be made in half seconds. I looked around the kitchen and they had pans hanging from the vent above the stove. I grabbed one and looked for the stairs.
The House was built like mine but flipped I suppose.
I heard the glass crackling under his heavy boots.
I finally navigated to the stairs and ran up the steps quietly and as quickly as possible. I made sure I stepped lightly as to not reveal what side of the steps I picked to turn towards.
He doesn't know I have a pan or where I'm at so I can use that to my advantage. I stand at the side of the steps and slow my breathing so he can't hear it because of how heavy I was breathing out because I don't exercise at all.
I can hear him rounding the living room and cocking the gun, preparing it to shoot since he shot the last prep.
He starts up the steps and hold the pan up. I saw the gun as he was holding it out and I swung the pan at this hand.
On impact, he released his grip and the gun fell to the floor.
The force I used to knock the gun was too much and the pan fell as well. In a split second a took my foot and jammed it into him causing him to fall back down the steps.
He hit the landing and appeared to be unconscious.
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. OhGodOhGodOhGod.
It didn't click what I did till I saw his body on the ground. I knew he wasn't dead because of 2 things
One was that I could see him breathing because of how massive he was.
Two, you can't bring Hulk down with one hit.
I went to the bedroom and found a robe on the back of the door handle. I removed the long Cotton cloth that was used as a belt for the robe. I went into the closet and grabbed two belts.
I took them to the landing he fell on and tied he hands together and then to this legs. Since he was strong there's no point in just doing his wrist. You have to do it in a way that would make it hard to release the strength to wear to would break something if you did So.
I then took the cloth and put it around his eyes.
That just adds anxiety factor to being tied up.
There is nothing else I can do. God. I still can't believe all of this. I just tied a man 4 times as large as me and knocked him out.
Also, he was trying to kill me because of the app on my phone?
I looked back up to the landing and saw the gun and frying pan. I walk back up the steps and grab the gun.
Now I have no clue why I grabbed the gun. I don't know how to use one.
I put my hand on the top of the gun and slide it back like how they do in the movies. It pulls back with ease due to the fact it was already cocked.
I held it up and pointed it at the wall acting like I was about to shoot it.
I felt like freaking James Bond. The adrenaline!
After my high, I finally realized what I was doing and put the gun in my hoodie pocket, opposite of the one my phone was in.
Right the phone. Why was this phone seeming to be the source of the problem? Does he have the same app?
I lean down and I see the phone in his right back pocket. I pull it out and press the power button.
Not surprisingly his phone had the app installed.
I opened up my phone too to compare.
My phone. Flipped. Out.
It started ringing and the number 3 was lighting up on my phone.
Out of reaction I accidentally dropped his phone on the ground.
I clicked on the number that was popping out at me and it took me to a page similar to what happened when I clicked 7...Except it was full of information.
Edgar Freeman
Bouncer for a bar called .65 caliber.
Right as I was about to read his description he started worming so I got into my senses and booted out of the house.
As I hit the pavement in front of the Steins residence a car came screeching down the pavement.
It halted to a stop a bit in front of me and the passenger door opened and a Female sounding voice emerged.
"Get in now if you want to understand what's going on."

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