She's a Killa'

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We walked into the motel and it was an instant feeling of dread. The lighting was almost perfect to fit the aesthetic of a Riverdale episode. Some of the lights were going out and you could hear the faint buzz of fluorescent light rods overhead the depressed looking concierge. He wore a drab forest green suit top with a black under shirt and a dark navy blue tie. He was sleeping on his hand facing the computer. He opened his eyes a bit when we opened the door but closed them back until we reached the Round about counter top. I was close enough now to read his name tag. Greg.
"Will that be two single rooms or one twin?" He says in a voice that almost oozes with 'I cant wait for you to go away'.
Im assuming we are getting two so I go ahead and start off.
"One twin would be great." Maddie Cuts off and puts a hand on my shoulder. She grabs down and her hand molds to the curvature of my clavicle.
Greg bends down under the desk and pulls up a key. He gives us directions of down the hall to the left of him, third from the last.
She thanks him and lets go of my shoulder and we make our way down there.
she takes the key out but stops before she puts it in.
"I got one room so that its a lower risk for another attack from one if the other 8. Id say 9 but Edgar won't be trying anything again with you soon." She looks back to me with a chuckle but soon turns her attention back to the grey key lock.
She pushes it in and turns it. I hear the old tumbler shift but when she turns the knob and pushes nothing happens. Maddie continues doing this until she ultimately gets so frustrated she kicks at the door and it slides open. With a sigh she continues into the room and plops onto the couch. I follow suit and turn on the lamp then to the desk chair in the corner and turn it around to face her.
The room is mildly humid and this jacket was started to get annoying so i slung it off onto the small table.
Maddie looked up at the noise of the metal
zipper hitting the wood then dismissed it to only pop up and put her hair in a bun.
I decide to push on with my questions.
"So why were we chosen for... Whatever this psychotic game is?" I lean forward on my knees.
"If I knew I would tell you. All I know is that I woke up and when I went to check my phone this is all that was on it."
I raise my eyebrow
"So you didn't get an ad? Blaring sirens in the middle of the night!?" 
"No, why? I'm assuming you did."
"Yeah of course I did. Thats how things always turn out for me I guess" My eyes cant roll back in my head anymore then they just did.
Maddie laughs then stands up. And puts her hand out in a fist.
"Okay Jason, so lets rock paper scissors for who gets the bed. Best 3/4 sound fair?"
I want the bed really badly but before i could even say game on my striking sense of white knighting kicked in.
"Nah its okay i'll sleep couch. Not much difference from my hard bed at home."
"Okay Mr. Nice guy." She says as she walks to the bed and falls onto it. "Your loss."
I laugh and walk over to her and snatch the bedding out from under her and she squeals when she flys up for a second.
"Since you get the bed. I get the Comforter." Then a grab the pillow from underneath her head. "And this of course."
I walk away knowing I could have easily grabbed the pillow she wasn't under but thats no fun.
"I see you. I pegged you wrong. I thought you always stood in everyones shadow but I guess for this i have to hand it to you. While a small victory, it was a large on for you."
Confused I set the blanket down on the couch but keep a pillow under my arm.
"What do you mean? You don't know me."
She sits up gaining a semi serious face.
"Your hard to miss Jason. You have this vibe and every notices."
"What vibe." I sit down with my pillow still in my arms coddled up to me.
"That mysterious bad boy vibe. You keep to yourself but you dress well and your hair is almost perfectly styled. Your the heartthrob of Middton. Hard for some of the jocks to face man."
I take a sharp breath in and sit back, eyes widened trying to scope this in.
"Oh my god, you didn't realize? Your the most oblivious person i've ever met! I mean i always thought you were a jerk because you ignored everyone but your really just... Just like this person who doesn't know what to do!"
I laugh for a second but stifle it soon realizing it wasn't a compliment.
"Ouch, you hurt my non-existent ego apparently!" I acted like I got shot in the heart and fell back onto the couch.
"Bang Bang. How does it taste? The bullets of hormonal in-balance!?" She chuckles as she stands up.
"Oh god! The pain. It feels like how I would imagine being turned down by a girl would feel!" I place my hand on my forehead sighing.
She laughs then waves her hand at mean.
"Put the drama in a bag and hit the hay. We have some stuff to do tomorrow." She goes back to her bed and pulls the sheet out from under her pillows.
"Be more blatant please. What stuff?" I pull my cover over me and roll to my side.
"You'll see." She turns the lamp off and lays down. "Nighty night Jason."
I chuckle and turn to fave the side of the couch. The minute I close my eyes I kinda feel Comfortable.
All the sudden there's a shatter of glass to the back left of me.

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