Stealth is Key

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The glass shatter made me shoot up and I could hear Maddie's sheets fly off. I flipped over and stood up, almost tripping on the wood coffee table. Attention back on the window you could see the glass on the floor but the drapes covered the frame. As if everything in was happening in fractions of seconds there was a body shape molding the shape as the person coming into the room steps on the floor. I look down at the floor when I hear the glass crunch. A pair of black military boots shifts across the floor. I hear a click then the body sifts through the dirty linen.
A woman taller than me now comes in view. She's wearing a white tank top and black jeans. She looked older then me and Maddie but she wasn't old.
My attention soon changes when a gun is lifted up from her side and pointed at my head.
"Well wasn't this easy." She laughs then flips to the best stoic face you'd have ever seen.
"Sorry 'bout your boyfriend Miss Chel."
As those words come out of her mouth the door gets kicked in and a male voice grumbles. We all turn our attention to the door. A man wearing a suit comes in. He's looking down at his shoes as he fixes his tie. He sighs
"That door is such a hassle." He mumbles to himself.
He looks up then pulls down the jacket on his suit.
"Haha, well isn't this a party!" He says making a remark about all of us.
His cockiness was almost as strong as all the cologne he was wearing. He had dark black hair slicked back. The suit was perfect and wrinkle-less. He obviously keeps himself tight strung and to high standards.
The Man waltz over to the front of the bed.
The tank top women shifted her guns sights from me to him.
"W~What are you doing here! I~ I thought James got you!" The girls voice wavered through every word obviously terrified of this man.
Maddie touched my shoulder lightly. She must have slowly walked over during the exchange. I turned my head towards her and she motioned at my jacket.
"Oh honey, if you think that i'm that easy to die to that pathetic human." He snickers.
"He...He's not pathetic! You have no right to say anything! He is the strongest man I know..." Her powerful words lose their grit as she goes on.
I look at my jacket and stared at it confused. I look back at her and raise my eyebrow.
She pulls her hand up and makes a gun shape.
With that clicking my memory I start to slowly lean down.
"He couldn't even pull the trigger on me! He could have killed me but he will never be strong enough." He walked towards the woman and put his hand on the barrel of the gun and moved it up to the middle of his forehead.
"No wonder you two fit together. Neither of you have the guts."
"STOP!" She yells making me back track a bit.
"I was Captain of my Infantry unit. I can shoot YOU any time!" Her voice wavered.
He stepped closer.
"Then go ahead. Prove me dead wrong. Literally." He stepped into the gun so the barrel was on his head.
With them both staring down I took advantage and slowly but swiftly grabbed my jacket and put it on trying not to gain attention. I put my hands in my pockets and with my one hand i grabbed the gun and curved my finger around the trigger.
I pull it out slowly and switch it to my dominate hand. Maddie walks over to the two of them
The woman looks over at her but keeps the gun pointed at the suited man.
"Aurora. Think about this. There's no need to shoot right now." She puts her hands up.
How does Maddie know her name?
Aurora doesn't move the gun off his head.
"He doesn't deserve to live! He's a hustler in the black market!" She tightens her grip on the gun till her knuckles turn white.
I look at Maddie again to see her next move in the conversation.
"Don't stoop there. Your mad about James..."
As Maddie is talking she makes a gun with her hand at the side of her body.
"There's no reason why you shouldn't I understand but Axel has connections.." She points her hand gun to the ceiling and metaphorically pulls the trigger.
"They can hurt you and James a lot."
Axel laughs.
"The girl has a point Aurora." He smiles which looks sinister with that gun still on his head.
Maddie makes a wave with her hand, probably meaning 'come on!'
I point the gun up. Shaking with anxiety I pull the trigger.
Nothing happens. What?
Oh god the safety.
I start stumbling around with the gun till i locate the safety and click it.
No one has noticed except for Maddie.
"I don't care who he connections with! I'd rather die by the hands of his underlings then from his pitiful gun!" She pushes the gun into his head.
I point it up once more then fire successfully. The ceiling rains down into pieces on me. Must be cheap.
Aurora and Axel look over at me and Maddie takes advantage of the situation.
She grabs the gun from Aurora and point it at Axel and starts backing up.
"Jason! Go!" She yells.
I take my cue and start to jump over the bed when someone grabs my legs.
The military captain has yanked me down and is trying to grab my gun.
While she is much stronger, during the fight she accidentally pulls down on the trigger and the bullet grazed the top of her ear.
Aurora tumbles back and grabs her ear. I Jump up and run out the room.
Maddie who waited for me at the entry shoots the doorknob off and comes out into the hallway. She slammed the door and motioned me to come on.
Running into the lobby we see that Craig had been shot in the head. I shook my head and kept on out the door and to her car.
Once in the car and Maddie starts the ignition we hear a gun shot.
How? We have both the guns.
Maddie pulls the shift and we slam backwards and then puts it in drive and we blast off onto to the road.
I have no clue if she knows where we are heading.
Its 6 in the afternoon. This day has been the longest day in my entire life. To think that just this morning at around 5 this all started and i've already been hunted twice.
Why isn't Maddie getting targeted? And how did she know what their names are?
"Hey Maddie? I gotta question."
She sighs.
"Shoot it. We have a long drive."
"How do you know the names of all these people? And why are they targeting me?" I look over at her. Her hazel eyes are fixed on the road but there's this intensity in them. different then when we were talking earlier.
"I guess its time for me to explain the entirety of this game to you and why you feel left out."

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