Day 1

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JPOV: Today is my first day in Nashville school I'm Jake Paul I am famous on YouTube So is my brother Logan Paul, I feel like we're going to be popular in school, it's 6:30 A.M I just woke up I'm kinda nervous but we'll see how it goes. I get up take a shower get dressed and get in my Lamborghini!
Jake's Outfit

 I get up take a shower get dressed and get in my Lamborghini!Jake's Outfit

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EPOV: Today is the first day back at school. I got up took a shower got dressed and left in my Tesla.
Erika's Outfit

JPOV: I pull up too school and I was a little early so I just sat on the top of my Lambo and waited too go in then I saw

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JPOV: I pull up too school and I was a little early so I just sat on the top of my Lambo and waited too go in then I saw...
EPOV: I left too go to school and got there and saw this really hot guy sitting on his Lamborghini I get out of my Tesla and walk over to him to introduce myself.
JPOV: I saw this hot girl pull up next to me in a Tesla and she got out and started walking over too me!
E: Hey I'm Erika!
J: Sup I'm Jake
E: Are you new?
J: Yea I am
E: It's nice too meet you.
J: Nice too meet you too.
E: I like your Lamborghini!
J: Oh thanks!
E: Were are you coming from?
J: Westlake Ohio
E: Oh cool
•Bell rang so they walked in together•
J: I'm gonna go to the office and get my schedule and locker number!
E: Oh can I come I need to get mine too!?
J: Yea let's go
*They got there things*
J: My lockers 616! What's yours?
E: 617! We are next to each other! YAY!
J: Yay! *chuckles*
E: What are your classes?
J: 1. English 2. Math 3. Science 4. Social Studies 5. Lunch 6. Spanish 7. Algebra 8. Geometry & 9. P.E
E: Omg me too! Well I guess we can hang out more!*smiles*
J: Yea I guess so!
*Then Jake's Brother Logan walked up*
L: Hey Jakey wass popin
J: Nothing bro just talking to my new friend
L: Sup
E: Hi
J: Let's go Erika! Logan I'll see you at home!
E: At home! R u guys brothers?
L: Yea! See ya lil' bro
J: Cya
E: Well let's go then
J: Okay
* in English class *
(Mm: Ms. Morse)
Mm: Good Morning class welcome too English this year we have a new student his name is Jake Paul, Jake why don't you stand up and tell the kids we're you are coming from!
J: Uh Okay! Well I'm coming from Westlake Ohio, I have a brother Logan!
(S: Students)(G: Girls)(B: Boys)
Mm: Now now ladies be quiet! Let's get class started
E: Jake i didn't know you where THE Jake Paul
J: Yea I try not too brag
E: Oh Okay
*lets skip all the other classes and go to lunch*
•in the cafeteria•
* Jake & Erika sit down at there table & Erika's friends come over *
E: Hey Tessa, Hey Tristan
T: Hey E
TT: Hey Erika, this must be Jake from YouTube
J: Yea I'm Jake what's up
TT: Nothing much Bro
T: Hey Jake I'm Tessa! Nice too meet you!
J: Nice too meet you too
TT: I'm Tristan by the way, glad your at our school we need more friends in our group!
J: Yea I like it here so far, I'm trying out for the football team, at my old school I was the quarterback!
TT: oh really I'm trying out too
*then Logan comes over*
L: Sup Jake
J: Sup
EPOV: OMG Jake was even a quarterback omg he's perfect!
* Skip till the end of the day at football tryouts *
(CB: Coach Babcock)
Cb: Jake come here
J: Yes sir
Cb: So you were the quarterback at your old school correct
J: That's correct sir
Cb: well your the quarterback again kid, your really good!
J: Thanks sir
Cb: alright you can go home now!
J: Thanks
*next too the football tryouts were the cheerleading tryouts Erika was the head cheerleader*
E: Hey Jake, how was tryouts
J: Great I'm the quarterback here too
E: Thats great Jake I'm happy for you, I'm the head cheerleader!
J: Congrats Erika
E: Thanks Jake, I'll see you tomorrow!
J: Yea I'll text you when I get home!
E: Okay but your forgetting something!
J: What's that?
E: You don't have my number, here let me see your phone I'll put in my number!
J: Okay thanks, I'll text you
E: Okay bye
J: Bye
*at Jake's house*
•Jake & Erika's Texts•
J: I'm home
E: Okay, where do you live.
J: On Silk Road House 102
E: Omg your house in next too my house is 103
J: Wow that's cool
E: Yea it is, can you take me too school tomorrow!
J: Yea
E: Kk Thanks night Jake
J: Night Erika
•End of texts•
JPOV: I think I'm falling in love with Erika, but she probably doesn't like me back!
EPOV: I think I'm falling in love with Jake, but he probably doesn't like me back!

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