Chapter Two: A nice chat

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Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the door to your apartment and tried to act normal. You slowly closed your door and dropped your bag, keeping your predominant hand close to your gun.

The lights throughout the apartment were off and the only source of light you had was a dim, orange glow that seeped in from a window.
You froze as you sensed the the slightest movement in the darkness ahead of you.

Pulling out your gun, you clicked off the safety.You had your fingers firmly wrapped around the front-strap and your index finger loitering by the trigger.

"Step out of the shadows so I can see you. I won't hesitate to shoot." You stated, your tone firm and demanding.

You hated not having the upper hand in situations like this. You glanced around the visible aspects of the room, checking for any changes and realised your hypothesis was correct. You double checked all your exit routes before you turned your full attention back to the stranger.

He took a step forward, the dim light from the window slightly illuminating his features.
'6,2 black male, mid to late 60's, eyepatch, visible loaded weapons, visible pressure points, involvement in combat, evident by stance, scars and build...' You listed everything as you quickly scanned the man, as if you were Sherlock and you were listing clues and deductions from a crime scene.

"Are you here to kill me ?" You questioned, holding your gun firmly in your grasp.


"Then what ?"

"I just want to have a nice chat," the man replied with a smile.

Your mind relayed the conversation with Cameron out in the hall.

'There is someone in that apartment of yours and I don't think they want to have a nice chat with you. They want you dead.'

"You were listening to my conversation... you son of a bitch!"

"Ooh, do you kiss your mother with that mouth ?" He retorted

"Who the hell are you ? And what are you doing in my apartment?" 

The man stepped forward and his features became more clear. His lips, that were usually downturned, curled into a grin as he watched you scan him and his surroundings.

"Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Is that supposed to mean anything to me ?" You responded.

"We're an extra-governmental military counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining global security. I'm here to talk to you about the avengers initiative."

You doubled over, bursting out with a loud, harsh laughter. Fury stood and watched as you laughed and wiped the tears that'd formed in your eyes.

"(Y/N) I'm here to talk to you about the avengers initiative." You mimicked, almost crying with laughter.

Nick Fury spoke up again, rudely cutting you off.

"You don't strike me as a professional criminal assassin,"  he stated, folding his arms over his chest and staring at you.

You took a step forward, straitening your stance as if you were a soldier. Your eyes met his as you once again pointed your gun at him, a slight smirk on your lips.

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