Telling The Fam

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Katniss' POV:

After eating Peeta's cheese buns, which are DIVINE, we decide to tell our family and friends and today we also got our friends to come in a restaurant, so we will go there with them. 

Right now, we are driving to my parent's house and I am super nervous. I don't know how they react to it and will they help me, because I will need a lot of it. I mean, Peeta will be in Afghanistan, so while he is away, I will need someone to look after her or him.

"Peeta, do you think they will help me when I need to go to college and you won't be home?" I ask because he can calm me down in every situation. He and he only is the one who has this effect on me.

"Babe, I know that they will love it, and furthermore, they will help you," he says, but knowing, how paranoid I am because of the accident, he won't take his eyes off of the road.

"Thanks, honey." He smiles and we arrive. We get out of the car and Prim runs out of the house.

"Hey, sis!" we both shout at the same time and laugh. When Prim hears that we need to talk to all of the family together, she runs inside and a second later is pulling us with them.

"Okay, calm down, Prim, we're coming," Peeta says laughing and Prim gets a little red on her face.

"Sorry, guys, I just want to spend so much more time with you," my little sister says and I know what she means. Peeta, Finnick, and Cato are leaving in five days.

"No, it's okay, Prim. I understand." Prim runs up the stairs in front of our porch and runs into the living room and I giggle at my little sister.

We get to the living room 30 seconds after Prim and the three of them are already sitting on the couch, so we could sit on the chairs facing the couch. In the middle of the chairs and the couch is a table with a plate of brownies on it. We, meaning Peeta and me, go and sit on the two chairs.

"Okay, so guys, we need to tell you something," I say and take a hold of Peeta's hand. He squeezes it, assuring me, that it's okay.

"Mom, Haymitch, you two are going to be grandparents and Prim, you are gonna be an aunt." They look numb on their faces and then my mom comes to hug me.

"Oh my god, Katniss, I'm so happy for you! I wouldn't have believed, that you would be pregnant at this young age, but here you are," she says with happy tears rolling down her face. When mom lets go, Prim hugs me tightly and after her comes Haymitch. 

"Congratulations, Sweetheart," He says and smiles.

"Congratulations to you too, Haymitch," I say and he laughs.

So, after them, we decided to go tell Peeta's family, including his both brothers wives and Mark's- Peeta's oldest brother's- son Callum. I get super-duper nervous because my family, I was still born into it, but I have not been a part of the Mellark's from the birth, I mean, I guess I kinda was. When I was born a little less than two months after Peeta, Mr. Mellark was my dad's best friend, so obviously the family came to look me including Peeta. I was too young to remember this and Peeta was as well, but my Mom has told me, when I was young, that on that day, I was very curious of what was happening around me. And of course, so was Peeta. They wanted us to be great friends as well, so they introduced us to each other. And so we met, not actually knowing.

"Kat, is everything okay? You don't have to be nervous. You have been a part of the family as long as I can remember, well, apart from the time, I acted like a piece of shit." I look at Peeta, who's still driving and kiss his cheek.

"You are not what you just called yourself, Peeta. I was trying to get over my feelings for you with a very shitty person," I say and smile. We arrive at the bakery seconds later and go inside.

"Oh, Peeta! You're home again! I didn't expect to see you here today," Mrs. Mellark says and hugs his son.

"And you too, Katniss. Is something wrong?" she says and hugs me.

"We actually wanted to talk to you about something," Peeta says and his mother says to us to go upstairs in the living room, so we could talk about this thing.After a few minutes, they and Peeta's brothers, and their wives, and Callum get there as well.

"So, what did you want to talk about, sweetie?" Mrs. Mellark says looking at me and Peeta.

"Mrs. Mellark," I say and she cuts me off. "Oh honey, call me Felicia. In this house is soon going to be four Mrs. Mellarks: me, you, Roxanne," she says pointing at Mark's wife," and Alexandra."

"Okay, Mrs. Me-Felicia. We wanted to tell to you, that," I squeeze Peeta's hand, signing him for continue. I can't do this right now, I am way too shy about doing this.

"Mom, our family is expanding," he says, pulling me closer to him and putting his arm around my waist.

"Oh. My. God! Katniss, are you pregnant?" Felicia asks with a big smile creeping onto her face. I nod and she jumps from the chair and runs to me to hold me.

"Let me know if you need some help because I would understand it, saying, that my baby is going to be so far away," she says and starts to talk about Peeta, she goes to hug him.

"I will let you know, I already thought about it. When the baby is born, I will still be in college and the last three months I will probably take the internet courses. In the college web page says, that if a person is badly ill or pregnant, the last three months they send filmed versions of the courses. But after the three months, I would still have to go back to school and I could use a help with babysitting." Felicia nods to all of this and comes back to me.

"Sweetheart, I would love to hang around with my third grandkid, considering that Alexandra is also pregnant, but she's already in her fourth month. So, when you need to go to school, bring her or him to the bakery and we will take care of your baby, okay?" I nod to her and we hug again.

"Mom, we have to go tell to our friends about it as well, so I think we would hop in later, okay?" Peeta asks his mother and she says okay and lets us go.

"Okay, let's go to the restaurant, what we had to go with the group," Peeta says, kisses me, and starts driving. I am not nervous about this at all because I'm not the only one in this pot, Annie is with me.

After a few minutes, we arrive and meet the others. We greet each other and hug.

"Guys, we have some news," me and Annie say at the same time. When I look at Annie and Finn, I know, that they have talked about it.

"Let's say it together," I say and she nods. " One, two, three, I am pregnant," we both say at the same time and laugh about others confused faces. Of course, Peeta doesn't know about Annie and my dear brother about me.

"Are you serious, sis? I'm gonna be an uncle Finnick?" Finn looks at me with so excited eyes and tone.

"Yes, dear brother. You are gonna be an uncle Finn." Finn gets so happy about it like I was his wife. He comes to me and get's me up in the air for a second. After this, he hugs me and starts whispering in my ear.

"Now I have even more reasons to come home. I have a reason to be a daddy, an uncle, and if you promise not to tell, I will tell you a secret," he whispers and I nod unrecognizably. "I have a reason to propose to Annie," he says and I hug him tighter.

"I knew, that you would do it," I whisper to him and let go of the hug. The girls come to hug me and Annie and talk about baby stuff, while the guys congratulated Peeta and Finn.

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