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Peeta's POV:

I wake up in the morning and see Katniss still asleep. Oh no. It's the day to leave for Afghanistan. I'd hate to leave Kat alone, but she still has the most of the group with her. To calm me, I start playing with Katniss' hair.

After some time, I get hungry and Kat isn't awake yet. I don't bother to wake her because we hung out with the group yesterday a very long time, it was mine, Cato's, and Finnick's leaving party. They all are coming to the airport, to send us away, but still.

I get up slowly, careful to not wake her up. I walk down the stairs in the kitchen and start cooking pancakes. The last days now Kat hasn't let go of me for a second, discluding me being in the bathroom.But honestly, I don't want to let her go as well. I want to be there for my two most important people in my life. I couldn't deal with myself when I lost her and the baby. 

I feel two hands sneak from my back and hug me. Instantly a smile creeps up to my face.I turn around and hug Katniss back. "How do I have a fiancée so beautiful and perfect?"

"The bigger question is, how can I have a fiancé and father to my unborn child so handsome and flawless?" Kat says and I laugh, kiss her and flip the pancake. After this, I turn back to her and squat on the floor. I pull Kat's shirt up a little, so her still flat stomach is showing. I kiss her stomach and say: "I love you, baby."

"What about me?" Kat says, playing to be offended like a little kid and starts pouting. I smirk at her and stand up.

"I love you so very much," I say and kiss her passionately.She kisses back and I pull away, to get the last pancake off the pan.

"I love you too Peeta," Kat smiles and suddenly, her smile wipes off her face. Please, no. Please don't make my baby sad.

"Do you really have to go?" She mumbles, looking at the floor. After a second, I hear a dripping noise. No, I can't watch Kat cry. I just can't. It makes me feel powerless. I raise her chin gently, forcing her to look at me.

"Katniss Everdeen, I promise on everything I have, that I will come back to you, no matter what happens." She closes her beautiful grey orbs and puts her forehead on mine.

"You know, I actually hate your job," she says and I chuckle low, she talks about it all the time. A few minutes after we start eating the pancakes and I have to leave for Afghanistan in less than an hour now. I get my stuff, put on my uniform, and we get in the car to drive to the airport.

As we get in, we see the group there already. They're hugging one another. 

Katniss' POV:

I run to Finn and sobs start to wrack my body. I haven't seen him since, like, yesterday, and today, he flies away.

"Hey, sis, it's okay. We'll be back." I nod, but he has to do one thing before.

"You have to ask a question from Annie right now, okay?" I ask and he nods. I actually feel a little box in his vest pocket. As I pull away, I get straight to Peet, not letting him go for a second. I know, that Finn's going to do it.

"Annie, I wanted to do this in a very cheesy way like my best friend, but I feel like right now would be the right moment," he says and gets down on one knee in front of Annie. Aww, this is almost cheesier, than Peeta's proposal. Almost.

"Annie Tris Hazel Cresta, will you marry me?" He says and Annie nods her head violently with sobs. That's so cute.

After everyone has congratulated them, I want to ask the girls a question. I don't want to be alone in mine and Peeta's house without him.

"Girls, could you move into mine and Peeta's place, when he and Finnick and Cato are away? I don't want to be alone in there."

"Of course, girl! You don't have to be alone by yourself," Clove says and I hug her. Then I go to hug Cato.

"When you come back from there, you are next," I whisper to him and he nods.

Suddenly we hear a message come to the trio's phones. "Shit," I hear Cato whisper. No. No, they can't leave! 

I run up to Peeta and sob into his chest. He puts my forehead to his and looks at me.

"Katniss, I promise, I will come back to you two," Peet whispers and puts a hand on my stomach.

"Peeta, will you stay with me?" I ask him when he has to leave. He looks at me with those beautiful blue orbs. "Always," he says and leaves with Finn and Cato. I wave at them when they go through their gates and they wave back to us. I feel awfully empty and fearful inside.

Annie and Clove come to me and they both take one of my hands. "It's gonna be okay," they both say at the same time and see our most loved boys plane take off.

-time flash to when Annie and Clove are at Katniss and Peeta's place settled in-

"Finn said, that he would skype me sometime," Annie says, trying to cheer everyone up. I can't get into depression. I can't be sad. I have to have no stress for my baby. So I smile a bit.

"Now it's just a few weeks 'til our dream college!" I say cheerfully and put on 'America's funniest home videos' on TV.

We laugh and eventually fall asleep, well, me and Annie get to sleep, Clove stays awake and gets us blankets and pillows.

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