Locked Up

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When I wake up, I'm extremely uncomfortable. I shift slightly, still drowsy. I hear the clank of metal on stone and I feel a weight on my ankle. Fearfully, I open my eyes, blinking the sleep from them. What I see chills me down to my very bones. I'm in one of the torture rooms I'd seen the other day. My right ankle is shackled to the wall and the chain is so short. I'm the only thing in the room, there's not even a chair.

"G'morning, sleeping beauty," Sensei calls. I look up to see the window at the top of the door open. His sneering face greets my eyes. "How're you feeling?"

"Uh-" Before I can finish, he continues.

"Probably horrible. Anyway, you'll stay in there until your punishment is done."

"How long will that be?" I wonder.

"You'll see." He smirks, then closes the window and I hear his footsteps retreat. My stomach growls, the only sound in the silence. I don't even hear screaming from around me. I guess they've already given up. I don't know long I sit there in silence until I hear boots slapping the concrete. Then, my door opens and a man walks in. He closes the door behind him and faces me. His smile is cruel and he cracks his knuckles. I have a bad feeling about what's about to happen.

After he beats me near to unconsciousness, he leaves without a word. He also took my shirt so I can see the bruises he inflicted. My chest hurts so bad and one of my eyes has already swollen shut. It hurts to breathe and I taste blood in my mouth. I'm sure at least some of my ribs are broken. My nose is also broken and spewing blood. Laying on the cold, hard concrete doesn't help the pain any. Only, my body ends up going numb and I feel a different kind of pain. Soon after, I manage to close my eyes and drift off.

Only to be kicked awake a few hours later. The same routine begins again. But, he has a knife this time. He doesn't cut very deep, after all they wouldn't want me to die, would they? The shallow cuts are enough, though. Then, he leaves again with a dripping knife. This time, the pain makes me pass out. This continues the rest of the day until nighttime comes. The only reason I know it's night is because there's a tiny slit, can't even call it a window, at the top of my cell. It seems I'll have the entire night to rest and recover before it starts again. This really is torture.

The next morning, I wake up to find food sitting on the floor in front of me. Overcome with hunger, I quickly dig in. I eat everything, which was just some miso soup and rice. Then I simply sit there, waiting for more beatings. However, nothing happens. That man doesn't return. But, he wouldn't need to. Not too long after eating, a pain begins in my stomach. It feels like my insides are being ripped out. I writhe on the ground, clutching my abdomen.

Pretty soon, I'm throwing up everything in my stomach -which isn't much. That's when I notice the blood mixed in with bile. So this is what happened to that girl. I glance at the tray my food came on. They poisoned the food, how nice. I wonder what they used and how bad it'll get before they cure it. I continue heaving, more and more blood spilling from my mouth. The pain is excruciating. I've never felt anything worse. My entire body is on fire and I can't do anything but roll painfully on the hard ground. Thankfully, I eventually pass out.

 More torture follows the day after. However, this is an empty kind. I don't see anyone all day. Nothing worth mentioning happens. I get food, eventually caving and eating it, but it's not poisoned this time. No one comes to beat me. I hear nothing and see nothing but these gray walls. It's a kind of mental torture. Maybe this is it. Maybe they'll finally let me out soon. I don't think I can take this silence, this utter stillness. It's driving me crazy as I sit on the ground, arms wrapped around my head.

More action follows in the morning. There's some sort of projector set up in the room. On the wall, images are flashing. Horrible, grotesque pictures. I stare in horror, unable to look away no matter how much I want to. I catch a glimpse of my friends and Yoji, torn to shreds with only a hint of life left. How did they get these pictures? What have they done to those I care about? Why are they forcing me to watch this on a loop? I squeeze my eyes shut, but the sound of the projector keeps making me peek.

Dawn breaks yet again. I can't even remember how long I've been locked in here. It doesn't matter anyway. I just want out. I can't stand this. This time, there's a phone laying on the floor. Screams assault my ears. I hear Emiko, Suguru, and Yoji yelling out for me to help them. The fear and pain in their voices tears at my heart. I cover my ears, but it doesn't do any good. I curl in a ball to protect myself from the horrifying sounds. I don't remember screaming, but my voice soon goes hoarse. I can taste the salt of my tears.

Somebody please just kill me. Just end this. I can't take this anymore. Please end my life now, I cry internally. I sob on the floor of that cold, hard cell. My body hurts and I can still taste blood in my mouth. I'm so cold, I'd stopped shivering a long time ago. I can't even remember what it was like to be warm and comfortable anymore. I can't remember what smiling and laughing was like. Was I ever any of those things? If so, will I ever be any of those again? 

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