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This ONESHOT may took you so long to read and have more than 1000+ of words, so I hope you'll read this 'till the end 😂



You have been Wonpil's girlfriend for almost 3 years, and you didn't have any super sweet and romantic moments together yet. But when Wonpil does, it turns out super duper AWKWARD!

Like on your first anniversary when he gave you flowers.

"Y/N-ah? F-flo-arggghhhh!" Wonpil said bending up and down his body while giggling and stuttering at the same time, holding a flower behind his back.

"Hehe!" He just laughs revealing the flower shoving it in your face.

"Ahmm? Thank you piriri~" You said and were just about to give him a hug but he ran off from you squealing like a fangirl, leaving you d*mbfounded.


And on your first date a year and two months ago;

"A-aaaah! Y/N sit down my Princess!" He said gesturing for you to sit in the chair he pulls out for you, one hand on the back of the chair and the other motioning for you to sit. When you finally sat down and he on the other seat facing you;

"I researched online, and it said the first thing you should do in a dinner date is pull out a chair for your girl!" He said proudly.

"Haha!! Kiyawoo~" You said pinching his cheeks.

After you two are finally done eating your dinner, you walk beside the Hangang river side by side.

"Ahaaaah!" He said gesturing like he remembered something.

"I also searched online that I should hold my girl's hand!" He said and intertwined your hands together, but after just a few seconds he suddenly slipped his hands out of yours, and when you peek at him, he is blushing and covering his face with two hands while giggling.

"Wa-waaait!" He stands in front of you arms wide open, stopping you from walking up ahead.

"I also searched that I should say something like hmmm-?" He said thinking while tapping his forefinger on his lips looking at the sky.

You were really starting to get pissed off at what he was saying about researching online. You wanted this first date to be realistic with no rules/suggestions/opinions from any other people or social media who are telling you what to do! But you still stayed calmed because he's still you're Wonpil, an innocent fluffy guy you love very much.

"Ahhh! Ye-obseoyoo!!!" He finally cheered.

"And I think you're getting sexy?-" He stopped for a moment, "Ahmm- I-Y/N, I didn't meant that!" Now it was really going overboard. You're really pissed because you know he said those things only because of the "What he searched online thing." You know he wouldn't really say that because HE'S INNOCENT!

You walk faster, half running but he still catches up with your pace and gently pulls you by your arm so you can face him.

"What??" You finally blurted out when he still didn't talk after a few seconds. He's fidgeting with his fingers looking at you then back at the ground then back at you again. Then he will giggles.

"Don't be mad~" He said with an aegyo.

"If you aren't going to talk properly and WITH SINCERITY, let's just go home already!" You said walking faster towards the parking lot.

"Wa-waaaait!" He said and pulls your arm before you can open the car door.

"I love yooouuu~", He said staring at his shoes.

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