Wilson, don't starve

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"Holy crap!" You were scrambling away with a backpack full of food, sticks and anything in between, cussing while hounds are on your tail. 

You scurry into a pigman's house, cowering as you wince from the pain of your fresh wounds, you try your best to stay awake but you fear exhaustion is taking over, so a nap will have to do for now as the dogs bark outside all night, your eye's eventually close while you lay against the door. Once morning comes, you cautiously poke out your head, glancing around then cheering, you're quick to shove toasted berries and seeds into your mouth, giving a small sigh. 

"I hope you're intending to share," A taller, pale man with a beard starting to grow smiles, holding a jar of honey in hand,"You seem to need some fixing there." 

"Please," You hold out some food in exchange. 

"Alright, I'm Wilson by the way," He introduces, patching you up. "Might I ask your name?" 

"You can just call me doll." You reply, mixing the honey with the seeds and berries, contently enjoying it. "I'm surprised there weren't any pig men here, did you take them out?" 

"Yes, it was rather tricky, I had to use a bunch of darts and a few spears, so both houses are currently empty, as long as you don't cause trouble, you can use the one you were hiding in." 

"I'd appreciate that." You hug him tightly, feeling him tense up.

"Oh, you're welcome doll." He muses, a small smile on his face. "Though there are other ways you can repay me." 

"How?" You realize there's lust brewing in his eye's while he's licking his lips. 

"Get in the house hun, now." He grabs your rear, groping it, earning an eager expression from you as you're doing what you're told, complying like a good girl. 

You start to strip once you're indoors, biting your lip as he slips out of his clothes with ease. You marvel the man's body, peppering it with kisses, a aura of longing overwhelming the two of you. Wil fondles your breasts, pecking all over your neck, collar bone, lips, cheeks and shoulder. 

"On your knees." He demands, taking hold of his cock, a low growl coming from him as he's stroking it. "Suck it." 

You're quick to drop to your knees, parting your lips as he thrusts in slowly, savoring it, neither of you two have had any human contact in days, months, perhaps more. You're just thinking you lucked out with him. His eye's close as you're sucking on him, resting a hand on his thigh while the other strokes him, pumping away. 

"That's it, just like that love." He murmurs, running his fingers through your hair, "You like the way I taste, don't you?" 

Blushing, you gave a nod, gently grazing your teeth against it. He groans, though it's barely audible, opening his dark eye's, the scientist, pulls away, a small smirk on his face. 

"Lay down for me," He gestures to the bed made of beefalo hide, "I'm returning the favor." 

You obey with a pleading look, spreading your legs as he lays on his stomach, face between your thighs, which he kisses, gently nipping, which causes you to squirm, giggling then moaning, he's plunging his fingers in deep, toying with your clit too, he starts to use his tongue, Wil loved the way you were moaning, getting flustered as he's looking up into your eye's, your gaze flickering from him to another direction. 

"Come now, don't be so shy." He coos, crawling atop of you, his lips greedily claiming your's, "You're mine now, we'll have plenty of time to do this."

You're gasping as his cock slides into you without a warning, he's stretching you more than you anticipate, once more fondling your chest as you have a heated make out session, his thrusts are slow and blissful, building up to an erratic, fast pace. 

"Where do you want it pet?" He grunts, gripping your hips, making you cry out as he's pounding into you with all he can, moaning your name. 

You can barely manage to get a word out before he's bringing you to your climax, pulling out after, releasing his seed on your stomach. Wilson rolls off of you onto his side, becoming sluggish while you pull the covers over the two of you, cuddling close. 

"My sweet little mate," He mumbles, a small smile on his face. 

"Sweet dreams." You reply, resting your head upon his chest.

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