fabric and theives.

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The clangs, jangles and shouts of crowds echoed through the small dusty alleyways of the Isle, a certain blue haired princess carefully making her way down through the alleyways, clicking her heels and making sure her hair remained curled and in position. She held her lips in a slight smirk as she once again spotted eyes turning their way. The princess made her way through the crowd to get to the docks, it was surprisingly busy for a early morning- yet it was import day so all new(ish) food and items were going to be up for grabs from the royal kingdom of Auradon.

Evie loved the whole concept of import day, it was a chance to get to see some more of the kingdom she oh so dearly wished to be a part of, so the whole concept of having to grab things for her mother was a delight. She carried purse in hand, holding the small amounts of change ever so tightly and made sure every step held every ounce of confidence in hope to warn off attempting robbers.
Soon enough the alleyway opened up to reveal a bustling dock, a very rare sight to see as the scent of rotten fish tainted the air, crowds huddling around a familiar blue and gold boat.
Just in time.
Staff dressed in the iconic colours held up crates of goods, crowds responding by holding up bids, as Evie observed she spotted the familiar blue braids of Uma who most likely was gaining food to stock the Fish and Chip shop. Instead of joining the noisy crowd she made her way round the side of the boat to a less crowded area where food already sat in market stalls, freshly stocked and staff patrolled. As she scanned the crowds a certain white haired boy stood by a grocery stall and the princess made her way over in excitement.
"De Vil" Evie called and wide brown eyes turned round, the freckled boy smiling a little as he held a large scrunched piece of paper in one hand.
"Evie" Carlos answered almost in a sigh of relief and Evie smiled at her good friend knowing he was most likely stressing over the demanding list his mother had written.

He stood wearing his signature coloured jacket complete with fur and shorts and leathered gloves that held onto a tea stained scrap of paper. The stains which left it ever so slightly translucent so Evie could just about make out the ink scrawls.
"What's your list today"
Brown eyes flickered with thought and he looked down helplessly at the list.
"Too much, I don't know how I'm going to find some of this stuff"
Evie felt sympathy pang her heart, Carlos had a tough life, and sometimes she wished she could grab him and run away, yet running couldn't be a option-there was nowhere to go.
It was the Isle.

However, the girl let her heart chose the next best option
"We best get started then" Evie started, a small smile tainting her lips as she saw the freckled boy knit his brows in confusion.
A sigh escapes the girls lips and she smiles even more, she couldn't help but find amusement in the flickering emotions on her friends face until the realisation hit and brown eyes widened.
"Yes we silly"
"Thankyou" Was said in awe almost and uttermost gratitude, which laced the boys voice heavily. Evies grin only widened and soon enough a small smile graced the freckled boys features. The smile was warming to Evie, to see somewhat happiness grace the boys face rather than fear or worry was a truly wonderful moment.

After some time looking round the markets, the two VKs managed to find the majority of items on Carlos's list and Evie also managed to gain what she needed for her mother.
"Lucky day of scraps today" Carlos sighed packing a few apples into a bag.
Evie couldn't help but nod-it was true, one never knew what they were going to collect from the markets and today a larger range of goods seemed more available then usual.
"All I need now is some dyes from Lady Tremaine" Carlos mentions as he looked down at the list and Evie smiles as a familiar face appears in her mind.
"That's all good, Dizzy can help us there"
Carlos smiles wider this time, more carefree, more relieved and it warmed Evies heart.
"Right lets get going" Evie nods at the white haired boys statement and so both set off through the crowds gripping tightly onto their bags.

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