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The two girls stepped out into the cold night breeze, only the sound of the metal creaking from the shops old sign with footsteps was heard as they walked over the wooden deck and back onto solid ground.
Evie didn't dare speak as her date decided not to either, Evie knew it was the guard again, she knew Mal had shown something that she regretted.
Yet there was a looming cloud of fear within herself, as she to knew she had discovered something about herself she had put aside for too long, no matter how she tried to reject it in her mind, she couldn't.
"So" the voice finally spoke and Evies heart jolted as she turned to the purple haired girl, curiosity tingling in her stomach.
Jaw clenched, the fae searched through her pockets for a moment and Evie allowed her thoughts to take herself away for a moment.

A date, when the prince treats the princess to a beautiful meal, roses and a candlelit dinner, a ballroom dance and all sealed with a kiss.
A kiss.
The word burned in her mind and her stomach sparked with a flame of curiosity-curiosity that lead the potential of touching her lips against Mals in this very moment- but as soon as the thought appeared Evie panicked within herself-she couldn't really be thinking this right?
"Oi Princess" A voice snapped her from her panic, the voice from the very lips Evie had found herself wanting to try.
"Hm?" She hummed, and as she regained focus of what was around her a dangling piece of lilac fabric appeared before her very eyes. Focus on the fabric.
"Here's your part of the deal" Mals voice was monotonous and it left Evie wondering what Mals true aims were. No matter how much she wanted to focus on that fabric she was too far lost, she needed to know.
"What did you want from this" The princess ignored the fabric, the fabric she had wanted-but she wanted to understand the girl she found herself becoming more and more attached to.

Green eyes glazed over, clouded. A tense breath made and the gaze hardened.
"It's not like you were in this anyway, why should you know" It was harsh, and hurt, something Evie managed to pick up as the fae dropped the fabric to her side with tension.
"Maybe because I'm a little confused on what your game plan is, because from what I know you think love is weak and pointless" Evie suddenly found herself getting riled up slightly in every moment as the clouded eyes and walled emotions just couldn't satisfy her mind anymore, not after seeing those cracks of something different.
"From what I know your life revolves around getting a fancy prince"
Evie found a small jerk in her heart, her mothers face appearing in her mind.

Beauty, Princes and Castles is what you need, power and fortune.

Her mothers words burned like a sour lemon.
"Tell me why you asked me on a date!" The frustration hissed through her teeth, angered her as she found herself grabbing at the purple leather. Gripping it tightly, watching as green orbs widened.
"Simply to get the Isle talking"
"That's one lame reason" The princess released her grip, defeat as the girl merely smirked, it didn't add up, but it was the closest she was going to get and with eyes watching from the shadows she didn't want to be making a scene.
She glared and there was silence once again, one that left brown looking into green, brown burning with frustration, and green still clouded, guarded, mischievous.
The glint appeared, and suddenly the fabric was out of sight, hidden in the leather pocket of the jacket that now zoomed off in one direction.
"YOU OWE ME THAT FABRIC YOU-" Evie scrambled for the villain as she bolted through the darkened alleyways, not caring for her curled hair anymore as she ran for her life to get that girl that she needed fabric and answers from.
A cackle echoed through the cold air, bouncing through the metal pipes, heels crashing against the bricked floor and boots skidding as they bolted round a corner.
Evie heard the clash of something hitting metal and the creaks of a door revealing itself as she too skidded round the dusty corner, not caring about scuffing the shoes anymore as she saw the purple dart up metal stairs, clangs pounding through her ears with every step.
Gripping the railing, the princess managed to pound against the metal steps herself, twirling round and up again until she reached the top where purple stood before her eyes, laughing and panting.

A Deal to Love|malvieWhere stories live. Discover now