teasing then vulnerabilty.

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Eyes turned as the wooden doors swung open, others not bothered as the slightly broken tv blared out right by the long table. One which many pirates seemed to hang around, particularly the very red pirate Evie had seen mere moments ago. He seemed pretty interested at the tv as he wolfed down some food and nudged at a familiar blonde who was only picking up the eggs from his plate.
"I don't come here often" was all Evie could mumble as judging eyes seemed to peer over from locals that sat at smaller wooden tables, looks accompanied by one particular pair of brown eyes she knew quite well.
"Well as if it ain't Mal and her date" the voice announced and blue braids made their way forward.
"Uma" Mal greeted and Evie picked up on the slight edge it held, it was rare to hear Mal address the sea witch by her name seeing as from previous events, yet for some reason it seemed like some temporary mutual respect had been agreed on.
The brown gaze dropped and once again Evie became conscious of the hand which held her own, an unnerving pulse spreading through like a wave and suddenly she really couldn't make any sense of anything that was happening. Yet, before she could think any further the blue pirate made a response "I have the table reserved"

Those words jerked heartstrings as Evie caught the slight romantic gesture Uma had dropped from her date-like a Prince.
Once again her thoughts felt like they were betraying themselves as the whole idea her mum had forged was not forming before her eyes as it should have been, let alone the fact she still couldn't grasp onto the fact of how someone so 'heartless' could think of doing something like setting up a date or a table.
It did however give warmth to the fact she knew something soft was held behind the tough exterior and it urged Evie to find out more in the near future.
And with that Uma whiled round, braids making a delayed response as Evie found herself following the girl until they reached a slightly more secluded spot by the kitchen. Not Ursula's side as Evie knew very well the villain would highly disapprove of any sort of affection happening within her restaurant.
"Here, food will take a while, we out of Fried clam so just fish of the day" the sea witch sighed before turning on her heels as another customer threw his hand up from his table starting to blurt out orders. Evie couldn't help but feel for Uma as she could only imagine the long hours she was working through weeks, she could pick it up by the slightly dropped posture of unhappiness the girl held.
"Sit down princess" cut Evies thoughts short and soon enough she found herself looking into green eyes that she was sure she caught a glint of something in. It was then her stomach fluttered at the idea of everything-the light really did capture and highlight the girls soft features well.
"Why thankyou Mal"
Evie let herself switch on the charm button and sat down only to witness the purple haired girl do the same.
"You seriously have way too many manners" she scoffed and Evie could only smile-of course
"Manners gets you a Prince"
Once again a flicker appeared through the faes eyes and Evie couldn't read it as it left too soon, so instead figured out a sense of how to go about her mothers lessons.
"Or a Villain" 
"Not a villain" and Evie felt her heart drop a little, but didn't let it get to her as she decided on attempting other lessons.

So then she settled on maintaining eye contact as the green observed rather menacingly, yet there was that certain glint that made Evie want to get lost in them forever.
She watched as the green observed too, like a silent battle had formed in scanning other each other and for some reason Evie felt prickles of tingles rushing across her skin.
"What does Blueberry and Lizard want" a sigh is heard and soon enough Uma appears beside the table.
"Whatever is your best fish" Mal says breaking eye contact to spot the sea witch that merely nodded before hesitating as a small smirk appeared across her face.
"Best fish it is...wow I really must say Loser, you are really making an effort for miss princess here" Uma scoffed and Evie felt Mals eyes flare up as they glared.
"Of course" she spoke nonchalantly yet there was a slight edge and Evie didn't know why she found herself fond of the reaction.
"I'm surprised really, prince obsessed and no love on a date?" The brown eyes lit up with amusement and Evie suddenly felt rather exposed, not to mention the small puddle of doubt in her stomach at the mention prince, once again her mothers words filtering through her mind and it made her wonder what she was even doing here.
"Quit it Shrimpy" gritted teeth uttered the words and fire soon blazed within the brown glare that snapped towards the purple fae.

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