The Temple fic (tm)

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Hey guys! I've gotten a load of people asking me where the temple fics went, or if I moved them to another story/acc
No, I haven't moved them, I've deleted them
To keep the answer short, I was receiving a lot of criticism and ultimately decided I didn't want to offend anyone, and I realized my mistakes. So they've been deleted, sorry for those of you who wanted to see them, I'm not going to continue the series or any nsfw imagines for any of the losers club for that matter. However the Bowers Gang is a different story, there might be some nsfw for them, not sure Yet. Anyway hope this answered all of your questions!

-ALSO PLEASE DO NOT ATTACK THE PEOPLE WHO CRITICIZED ME!! They have a right to free speech and I agree with them 100% that the fics where outright disrespectful and icky. I didn't delete the fics because of them, they just helped me realize what I was writing was wrong

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