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-Third Person View-


Immediately, Maddie flinched and dropped the knife, looking at Serena in shock, wide eyed. (Y/N) stood up, holding her neck while staring at scene in front of her, shocked and scared at the same time. Serena watched in disbelief that Maddie would actually do this to her friend. She did know that it was Maddie who caused (Y/N) to start acting weirdly around them, but she didn't know she'd to this. All three of them stayed in this position, staring at each other.

"W- why would y- you do this..?" Serena stammered, breaking the silence.

Maddie, who was frozen in fear just a few moments ago, was now smiling again, "Ask your friend," she whispered.

"(Y/N)?" Serena turned towards her friend, who was slightly shaking in fear.

"I.. I'm sorry! It's all my fault! If only I.. if only.."  Tears started flowing down her cheeks as she fell down to her knees. "It's just.. Maddie really like Ash.. but Ash and I like each other.. so.. she.. she became jealous and.. and now I've dragged you into all this!"

Serena, whose fear was replaced by concern, walked towards her (H/C)-haired friend and kneeled down. "It's not your fault, (Y/N)," she quielty said, gently rubbing (Y/N)'s back. "We didn't know this would happen."

At this, (Y/N) buried her face on Serena's shoulder and cried silently, while Serena continued saying comforting words to her friend.

They didn't even notice that Maddie was still there.

Or that she was behind (Y/N), smiling evilly, her knife raised in the air.


So sorry about the cliffhanger.. and the fact that it's super short.. >~<

Our Christmas vacation is nearly over; school's coming in a week and I still have homeworks to do. I also have a mild headache and a runny nose today so I'n really sorrt about the lack of updates, I hope you guys understand. Thank u!

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