01 - Abandoned

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Chapter 1


“Ne, Onii-chan~” whispers my sister, grinning from behind me. I sigh and focus on building my tower of various objects. Unfortunately for me, she doesn’t seem to notice that I’m concentrating. “Onii-chan, I’m bored, let’s play a game!”

I turn to her and sigh, “Can’t you see I’m trying to concentrate?!”

She just looks at me curiously, as she does everything else. “What’s a cancentret?”

“Not cancentret, concentrate” I say, chuckling at her pronunciation, then again, she is only four. “And it means to focus on something… kind of, I think”

“Hmmm…” she drops to the ground with a soft thud just as my tower collapses.

“Now look what you did, I spent hours on that!” I glare at her but she only grins.

“Sorry… I’ll help you fix it!” she stands from her position on the ground and moves closer to the fallen tower. “Oh, and you’ve only been working on it for 20 minutes” she says, laughing.


Those were the times; the best times of my life that I desperately wish to relive. Her laughter brought happiness, along with a certain calm that’s impossible to replace. Her laughter didn’t last long; it was soon replaced by agonizing screams that still haunt me till this day.


A loud crash that echoed through the house covers my sister’s laughter. Father immediately leaves to figure out where the noise came from, while mother evacuates us from the house only to meet armored soldiers at the door.

“Mom, what’s going on?” I ask, frightened at the sudden turn of events. Ririn looks even more frightened, so I try to be strong, for her.

“We need to get out, now” she then kneels to face me while we were still out of the soldiers’ sight. “I need you to do something for me, alright?”

I quickly nod, wondering what she could possibly ask of me, a simple six year old. She smiles and turns to Ririn, “Protect your sister the way I know you can.”

She smiles one last time before turning to the guard people who seemed to have noticed us. I watch as she distracts the guard people, before turning to Ririn. “Let’s go” I grab her hand and run to the back door, but it’s heavily guarded.

We try several routes before becoming completely trapped and surrounded. I look to find any other possible escape routes, but all I manage to see is my mother, on the ground and completely covered in blood.

Before I know it, my sister and I are ripped apart by the guards and all I hear is screaming. We’re pulled farther and farther apart, but all I can do is stare.

“Onii-chan!!!” she screamed, as she kicked the guards who were holding her. She sobbed as tears rolled out her dark blue eyes. I am pulled out the door but I barely notice. I continue to stare at Ririn, calling me, screaming for me. But, I could do nothing to help her.


You could probably say that was when I woke up, literally and figuratively. Then, I realized that my sister needed me and that she was my responsibility, and that I had to protect her, though that didn’t work out too well.

After that event, I vowed to go back and make all of the people who tore our family apart, pay for their grave mistake. I vowed to become stronger to save my sister from that horrendous place and to forever protect her from people that wish to hurt her so I can hear her laugh again...

Apparently, I’m not that lucky, because all I hear now is silence.

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