04 - Lost & Found

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Chapter 4


I entered Konoha with fairly low spirits since everywhere else I went seemed to have never seen Ririn before. I was ready for Konoha to say the same, but instead, it seemed to be the exact opposite.

The first person I talked to; a blonde girl named Ino told me that she knew someone who knew her. I was a bit skeptical but then she took me to a pink haired girl who looked about her age. She called her Sakura. Sakura didn’t seem interested in much. Apparently the guy she liked left the village for something or another, I wasn’t really interested.

Anyway, they took me to some guy’s house, but he happened to be on a mission, so they told me to wait till he got back.

To say the least, I was impatient. If she was here, why wouldn’t they just tell me?

While I waited to the guy to return, I was bored out of my mind. The weird thing is; I never even got to meet him. Not yet anyway.

When I went back to ask if he had returned, they told me that Ririn ran away from the village not too long ago and that he went to look for her.

At that, I almost lost hope. It seemed like whenever I was close to finding her, we seem to walk right by each other. Figuratively speaking.

I didn’t waste any more time in the village, even though they suggested that I wait for her to return. Now, I kind of wish I stayed. Maybe I’d have gotten to see her…

Anyway, I resumed my search for the next few months without any progress before deciding to go back to Konoha to check on their progress, but I can’t help but think that if I had gotten there a bit earlier, I would’ve gotten to see my sister. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let’s rewind a bit.


“Kakashi-sensei, who were you talking to?” Sakura asks, looking puzzled.

With a sigh, said person turns to her. “No one”

“Oh, did you ever find out if she had any family members, they might want to know.” She says motioning to the gravestone.

“Yea, apparently she has a brother…”

She paused, looking shocked; “he wasn’t lying?!”

“Who wasn’t?” asked Kakashi with a raised eyebrow.

“Some guy came a few months ago saying he was Ririn’s brother, but I didn’t think she had a brother, so I told him you were on a mission. He eventually left after she ran away. I didn’t think he was actually her brother…”

“Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?!” he asked, angry and shocked at the new information.

Feeling apologetic, she could only reply; “I’m so sorry, I completely forgot”

“Do you know where he is?” he asked with a sigh.

“No, I don’t.”

So with yet another sigh, Kakashi leaves the cemetery to finally go home after several hours.


Several days later, as I mentioned, I went back to Konoha to ask whether or not they found Ririn yet. I ended up finding the same pink haired girl, who actually looked somewhat happy to see me and took me straight to a fairly large house to ‘meet someone’.

She told me his name was Kakashi, and that Ririn had been living with him for five years before leaving.

She also said that Kakashi recently found her, but she wouldn’t tell me more than that, I wasn’t sure why, but… anyway Kakashi seemed like a calm person so I asked if I could see Ririn, since apparently he had recently found her.

I never did get to see her…

He asked if I was really her brother, and I said ‘of course, who else would I be?’

I asked to see Ririn again. I assumed he forgot, but I don’t think he did. He just sighed and went inside for a bit. I was kind of excited, ‘I’m finally going to see Ririn again, then I protect her’ I thought.

My excitement vanished when I saw that all he had was a small black book with the word ‘Speak’ on the front. He handed it to me and said three simple words. “She passed away”

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