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Finns POV
I was just chilling and watching TV in my room
I was eating cool ranch Doritos and drinking soda
"Man I love poisoning my body and getting fat" I said sarcastically
I was watching one of my favorite showed called Stranger Things
I was eating a lot of junk food because I've tried not trying to smoke and I got the feeling too and junk food just helped me not think about it
My longest I have gotten was 4 days
Now since I was with a better girl my mind just changed about it
I was in pj pants showing my underwear line and no shirt
I go down stairs to get water instead of soda
"Hey mom, what are you doing?" I asked my mom
"Oh Finn honey I'm just on my computer" she said softly
"Oh ok just asking" I said
I got a glass for my water
"You look just like your dad" she said randomly
My mom always randomly says that, I know how much she misses him and my brother nick
I barley knew my dad and brother, all I know is that nick was my brothers name
So I didn't really miss them even though I should
"Thanks mom" I usually say to her when she says that
I got water and went back upstairs
I unpaused my episode I was on
It was 10 mins after I unpaused and got a text from Millie
Millie 💘: look at your window
I smile and looked at my window, hers was open
She waved
I waved back
Millie💘: seeing you are wanting to get fat
Me: yeah lol I'm just bored
My bed was under my window and she could see my TV
Millie💘: nice show your watching
Me: you watch this show?
Millie💘: yeah I love ST
Millie💘: well since your bored, can I come over?
Me: sure if you want
Millie💘: ok be over in a bit
I turn off my phone and went down stairs to tell my mom she was coming
"Hey mom a friend is coming over for a bit" I told her walking past her sitting on our couch
"Oh a friend?" She said
I got so sick and tired of her always doing this even before we moved, when we moved I had 2 friends names where Jaeden and Wyatt
They where the best people
But their gone now
"Mom can you please stop doing that" I told her trying not to be mad
"Sorry sweetheart" she apologized
The doorbell rang
"That must be my friend or my girlfriend"
My mom choked on her water
I opened the door
Totally forgetting not getting on at least a shirt on
"Hey Millie" I said to Millie
"Hi Finn!" She was happy
"Oh Millie this is my mom"
My mom quickly got up to shake her hand
"You're Finns girlfriend" my mom asked
"Yeah I'm with Finn" she said happily
"Oh-oh" She said
I gave my mom the "stop" Look
"Well I have to go to the store and go to some other places for 3 hours" my mom said leaving
"And Finn and millie, don't do any of that. You know what I'm saying"
I felt uncomfortable
She locked the door and left
"Nice Calvin's" millie said then turned around and went upstairs
I looked down to see my underwear line to show Calvin Klein's showing
"God damn it" I said pulling up my pants while following Millie
She sat on my bed
"Here I'll clean this up"
I picked up the mess and kept bringing it down stairs
Millie's POV
While Finn was cleaning up
It left me time to look around
It was just a typical boy room
He had grey walls
And had some pictures of rockstars
And a poster of PUP
Some shirts where on the ground
His closet was open
He had the same bed as me but with black pillows with navy blue covers
And two white nightstands on each side
I think his room was bigger then mine
He came back in his room
And he sat by his pillows when I was on the end
"So what do you wanna do" he asked
"Idk" I said
"We should take pictures of us so we could remember these days"
I agreed and we took funny photos, happy photos and we took the most random videos ever
It was fun
"Nice shirt you got on" I said because he still didn't have a shirt on
"Oh yeah I forgot, eh I don't need one" he said and he laid on his bed
I laid next to him
We both where looking at the ceiling
For a little until I got the idea to randomly kiss him
"What was that for" he said smiling an chucking
"Idk just for fun" I said
He kissed me back but harder
And we kept going and I got on top of me kissing me from my lips to my neck and back to my lips then I got rough and I rolled him over so I was on top of him and I was kissing him
He rolled me over and I gave up on it
"You win" I said
"I do?" He said smiling
"Yup" I said
We then kept going
Then I felt something.....................Finns tongue
At first I didn't let him but then I did
Then I did it back to him
A half an hour goes by and we both are on outsides just kissing
We then stopped
"Well that was a great make out session now wasn't it" he said joking
"Yeah but you got a little" I said pointing at his neck and chest
"You got something too" pointing at my neck
We both had hickeys
"What do we say to your mom?" I asked
He then grabbed my hand and he pulled us into his moms bathroom
"You know make up, so what do we do to cover up?" He asked
I found some foundation that matched our skin tones and I blended in every hickey
Then did the same to me
"When she gets home we will be playing on my x-box and if she says what did we do we say we where chilling" he discussed the plan
"Chilling" and I made a bad joke and grabbed sun glasses and did gangster signs
"Take those off I'm calling your mother" he quotes a really funny vine
We both heard a car and looked outside and it was Finns Moms car
We both ran down stairs and turned on the x-box and I ran back up to grab one of Finns shirts
While he made our "x-box session" look real
His mom came in
"Hey honey, hey Millie" She said to us
"Hi mom, hi ms.Wolfhard" we both say
"What did you guys do all day" she asks
"Chilling" we both say
While she was putting down the grocery's
Finn did a silent shhh look with his finger covering his lips
And he mouthed Chilling
While I have him a wink

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