Suicide Forest

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WARNING this will NOT be EXACTLY like the actual video.


Kayla was cool. she was really chill. really pretty. we are currently in japan to do an exploration of the suicide forest for one of the TFIL videos. i mean don't get me wrong we are all going to get a video out of this but you know. still kinda nervous. Kayla looks nervous as well. we checked into our rooms. Kayla got to choose who she wanted to share with but we ended up plying a game cause she couldn't choose. I won. so we shared a room Jay bought his own room, and Elton and Brennen shared a room.

we changed and got some sleep to get rest for tomorrow cause i guess we were doing an overnight. Kayla and I just kinda talked. in the day night and morning i've known her i kinda like her she is really cool. we laugh a lot. "ok so. if you had to choose between being stuck on an island with Elton or...... Corey, who would you choose?" she thinks for a second. "I would choose Corey because he is my best friend." she says. i laugh. "sorry Eltee!" she says. we were laying across our beds heads hanging off the side upside down face to face.eventually we just went to bed. Kayla on my mind.

Next morning........

I woke up to singing. whoever was singing has a great voice. i roll over to see Kayla not in bed and the shower on. i walk over to the door and put my ear against it. i know i'm totally stalking. kidding. it was her she was singing. her voice is amazing. she was singing 'what about us' by pink. sitting on my bed waiting for my turn to shower. she walks out in a send it hoodie and black ripped skinny jeans. her hair in a braid. it was like a mix of white and black. her eyes were blue. she was beautiful. i get up. "morning Colby." she says. "morning Kayla!" she smiles. "you can call me Kay!" i smile. "K Kay!" i say laughing she joins. she sits putting on black and white socks and chucks. "i'm going to Eltons room." she says. no makeup. ok different. kinda. i nod. taking my shower. putting on a white XPLR shirt, black skinny jeans and my vans grabbing my keys and hat and phone leaving to Eltons room. "Hey guys, whats up?" I say. "nothing we were jus talking about how Kay here should like totally move in." Elton says. "yeah you should!" i say. "I'll think about it." she says. her phone rings. she looks at it rolling her eyes. ignoring it. uh oh someone pissed her off. "who is it?" Elton asks. "Him who shall not be named!" she says. "oh that asshole. is he still calling?" she nods at Eltons question. "Bro who is this guy?" Brennen asks. "he is this guy i used to date i ended it he didn't like that so he stalks me he probably can't find me so he is calling to find out. at the end of the trip i'm going to call him and tell him i moved far away to come get me and poof he will be gone!" she says. "damn savage." i say. we all laugh.

"Ok so, apparently there have been over a hundred suicides a year in this forest." Kayla says. "and we are just gonna waltz in like its nothing?" Jay says. "yes!" Elton says. we are sitting in a restaurant eating. ok its McDonalds. "our last meal before we go to this suicide forest and die." Kayla says. "welp Colby it was nice meeting you!" she says. then she just laughs. "i'm kidding." she says. we all laugh. "wait, wasn't it nice meeting me too?" Brennen says. "sure!" she says. "awe she liked meeting me guys." he says we all laugh. i was kinda annoyed?? that he was blushing. for kayla. nah whatever.

that night. (these next few events are happening based on my memory of the video. sorry if its not exact. this chapter does spoil some of the events that happen in the actual video. if you haven't watched it spoils. it will be a summed up version cause i'm lazy love you tater tots...)

we got out of the car and Elton pulls out his camera he starts his video. "wow, there is a creepy van parked in front of a creepy forest people just so happened to commit suicide in. not scary at all." Kayla says. i laugh. we look at the van. "guys look at the top of the van, its rusting at the top." i say. "that means its had to of been here for a few weeks right?" i ask. we all look at each other. "i totally thought it was a security van." Elton says. "Exactly." Jay says.

we walk into the forest great. "you know what i just realized? we are doing an overnight in a suicide forest where we could get lost and die. our last meal was McDonalds. i can't go out on McDonalds." (if you did watch the video sorry its not exact again this is off my pure memory. please don't judge.) "don't even joke bout dieing." Kayla said. "yeah, they have phone numbers." Brennen says. "maybe there hot lines for people who come to like you know so they don't."

we walked for a while and filmed a video on Brennen and I's channel. we walked more. "um guys?" Kayla says. "what?" Elton says. "is that a noose?" she asks. "is it? oh my god it is!" he says pointing the camera at it. dude!" Kayla grabbed Brennen's arm. he grabbed hers. "this is so creepy." he says. Kayla nodding. i try ignoring the feeling in my gut. try being the key word. "guys?" Elton says. "i don't want to bring this up, but... i need to. we might see a body tonight. like seriously." jay nods. Kayla goes pale. "like i will blur it out on the camera cause little kids watch these but we will have to live with it." he says. "can we not stand in one spot? please?" Kayla says looking around squeezing Brennens arm.

we walk for hours. and come across a closed off thing. "why is it closed off? why is it closed off? there is no need for that. guys?" we all look at it. "lets go down." he says. "um no." Kayla, Jay and Brennen all say. I climb over eventually after everyone arguing and us leaving once then coming back we all go down linking arms. Brennen in front then me then Kayla then Elton and Jay behind him. look back. around. "is that a tent?" i say. "we all look. "oh my god its a tent." Kayla says.

elton yelled out hello and then a konnichiwa. nothing. then we saw a body leaning on a rock. elton of course blurs it out on the camera well when he edits he will. Kayla starts crying. of course Brennen hugging her. "we need to get out of here and call someone." Jay says. we hear something and run. we kinda get lost and have to walk back.

when we find our path again. we all talk about getting back Elton freaking out only scaring Kayla more. when we get back to the parking lot. we end the video. (ok so yes it was a very short parts of what happened again it might not be exact because its my memory and so the rest i am making up cause it never said who they called.) we called one of the numbers on the paper asking who to contact. safe to say we had a long night.

hey guys so yeah thats this chapter i will be un-publishing most books not deleting i am going to jus focus on some certain books. then re-publish when i complete one. um yeah if you read my other books and there is a book you want me to keep published comment. again sorry its not exact. the actual video is on Youtube channel TFIL. go check it out. :) luv u tater tots. <3

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