The talk

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I am so just... I can't explain it. He knows I like her, Why would he do this. God why would she even pick him. It should be me. Not him. I need to talk to her. Figure something out. She has to wait for me. she... I sit on her bed my head in my hands. "Colby?" She says. I shoot up from my bed pulling her into her room. "Colby?" She says. Closing the door I sit her down. Why her room? Well knowing Shea she probably Bugged my room. "Kayla listen to me. I don't like you being with Brennen." I say. She looks down. "Why?" She asks. "Because, I hate seeing you guys together and wishing I was in his position. I hate the thought of you with another guy ever." I say. "Well, Maybe you should of thought of that before you you basically led me on. you played with my feelings. and a second later you got together with another woman, who treats you like trash. Plus I'm not with Brennen apparently he doesn't like me as much as he thought he did. so It doesn't matter." She says tears falling down her face. "You don't understand, she threatened you!" I say. "So, I can take care of myself Colby. There is nothing she could do to me. I have nothing I'm on my own. The only thing she could use to hurt me is you!" Tears were streaming down her face. I just stared at her. Me? What did I do? Tears started to fall from my eyes. she sits on her bed her head in her hands. wiping her tears. "Dinners ready. thats why I came to get you." she says. She goes to walk out the door, I grab her arm stopping her. "Wait." I say. She turns to look at me. I stand in front of her, She looks down her arms crossed. I lift her chin with my Index finger and thumb. We look into each others eyes. My eyes moving from her lips back to her eyes. Leaning in. then there was a knock.She pulls aways. I close my eyes. really! "Kayla, please open the door. Come on baby I'm sorry. let me in." I frown. what did he do? "No, go away!" She says. "Come on, I'm sorry, I was drunk, I wasn't in my right mind. I'm so sorry." He says. "No! Just go away." "No! Now let me in!" "No! go away." "Why do you have to do this. It didn't mean anything. please let me in." "No, Brennen. go away your not coming in." She says. "I will break down the damn door." He says. "Yea you will also get me a new one and go home single, you can have as much sex as you want." She says. He cheated. This bitch. All of a sudden the door is pushed open.

I cross my arms looking at him with a blank stare. "Why did you have to cheat on her man?" I ask. he flips me off. "Baby, please, Just give me another chance?" I look at her standing straight uncrossing my arms. Don't. She looks down. then at me. I look at her with a 'Please don't' look. she looks at him. "No, I'm sorry. leave!" I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding. He walks out. ok, stormed out, slamming the door shut. She looks at me. "What about you?" She asks. "If your gonna leave or cheat or something then walk out, I'll save my heart the ache." She says. I nod. I walk up to her. Grabbing her face kissing her. I missed her lips. and her in general. her hands were on my wrists, both my hands were on her face. Kissing her felt right. We pull away for air. God I miss her lips. "I'm sorry, please, give me a chance." I say. "What about Shea?" she asks. "Its over, I don't like her. I like you." she takes a deep breath looking me in the eyes. "Give me the rest of the day. I'll let you know, you hurt me, I have to know I'm ready to be with you." she says seriously. "Ok, whatever you need." I say. we go down stairs for dinner. everyone already ate so we just grabbed some food sitting and eating. It was silent. I knew she was thinking, and what she was thinking about, it made me feel nervous and a little fidgety. I wasn't sure what to expect. I did hurt her. I led her on and the left her in the cruelest way. I won't be surprised if she rejects me.

I'm sitting in my room Laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I muted the call while Shea yelled at me for breaking up with her how she was going to hurt Me and Kayla. Ugh. I hate waiting. I hung up the phone. blocking her number. Pacing my room. It was officially 11:59pm.

there was a soft knock on my door i quickly go to open it to see Kayla. "Colby I-"

muahaha cliffhanger what does she decide.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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