ch. 9 - the third task

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'The bravest thing she ever did was to stay alive each day'

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'The bravest thing she ever did was to stay alive each day'



One week later...

As Dumbledore announced the rules and the champions' current positions, Adeline stood next to the Professor, tuned out. There was this odd feeling in the pit of her stomach, and not a good one at that. It made her hands fidget with whatever they could find, which was currently the hem of her school skirt. It made her feel numb: words and sentences repeating over her mind, full of doubt and over exaggeration.

This feeling, however, was not a rare one. It was common, and felt in everyone at some point in his or her lives. It was fear, but it was second-hand from none other than Harry Potter. Her eyes were on his shaky figure a few meters before her, standing with the older Tri-Wizard champions.

He was pale. He was shaking. He was anxious. He was scared. He tried to hide it, but did a very bad job at it. Upon seeing her brave best friend in this state, it made Adeline feel even worse. She had never felt fear for anyone but herself until now; it felt the same but different.

Harry had actually given her a tip during one of their random conversations, which almost seemed one-way, considering she did not talk much during them, but she thought and she listened, giving her opinion silently. He said to put on a poker face; if you show fear, it's easier for others to make you more fearful, but he also said that it was OK to be scared and to show it; sometimes it was the better option. It really depended on the situation.

He had also told her to try to think of her favourite memories, though that was hard for her, as she had a very limited amount at the current time. However, the majority of the ones she treasured were the ones shared with Harry. Therefore, she tried to think of them, which is when she was finally able to block out all of the noise and explore nostalgia, squeezing her eyes shut.

Immediately, her favourite memory entered her mind; that time in Potions class when Harry threw her a paper plane.

The two had been on opposite ends of the classroom; considering Hermione had dragged Harry away from Adeline again, she made her assigned potion alone. However, halfway through the lesson, there was a small tap on her back. Turning around, Adeline did not spot anyone. About to turn back to her potion, Adeline caught sight of a folded piece of parchment on the ground; a paper plane, to which someone had evidently thrown.

Looking around, Adeline searched for who could have thrown it, when her eyes met Harry's, who mouthed 'open it'. Grabbing the paper plane from the floor, Adeline hesitantly opened it up to find a message from Harry, saying:

'I've never noticed that you have freckles all over your face. They bring out your eyes.'

Heat rising to her cheeks, Adeline shot a grin at Harry, before scribbling in her own little reply underneath his message;

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