ch. 5 - umbridge

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'She was a storm.

Not the kind

You run from

But the kind

You chase'

-r.h Sin


"Good evening, children." The Headmaster spoke, looking over the students behind his golden podium. "Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."

Adeline spots the trio looking to one another, their eyebrows furrowed, tilting her head slightly at their actions.

"We also wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you..."

"She was at my hearing," Harry muttered to them, nodding to the Professor dressed ridiculously in head-to-toe pink, the bow upon her beret resembling a fly as if she were a toad. "She works for Fudge."

"Do your Defence teachers change every year?" She asked quietly, Hermione opening her mouth to respond, though was cut short by a squeaky clearing of the throat sending the hall into silence.

Cutting short his speech, Dumbledore turned stunned to look over his shoulder at Professor Umbridge, who was now standing, all whispers of talk among the students led to a halt as every pair of eyes looked to her.

"What is it?" Adeline whispered to Harry, trying her best to be as quiet as possible. "What's happened?"

"No one ever interrupts Dumbledore." He mumbled hastily to her, leaning in so as she'd hear him, Ad nodding slightly, mouth forming a small 'O' as she turned back to look at the Professor.

Adeline shifted uncomfortably as Umbridge's eyes seemed to fall on her only, grabbing onto Harry's hand nervously, who held it back gently as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, daring to hold eye contact with the Professor.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright...happy faces smiling up at me." She spoke in a sickly sweet tone, Adeline glancing at the other students to see no one with a grin of any kind. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely." The twins muttered a few spaces away from Ad who laughed a little too loudly at their antics, not paying interest to the attention now on her figure.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school..." Umbridge continued to speak, though Adeline spaced out from boredom, bringing attention to the warm plates and delicious food laid out on the tables, stomach rumbling slightly at the sight.

Only when the pink woman stopped talking did it draw Ad's gaze; she had finished her speech and stayed standing expecting applause, though not one person clapped.

"Thank you, Professor Umbridge." Dumbledore spoke, breaking the silence, arousing the room into chatter as she once more sat down.

"What does that mean?" Adeline asked again to the trio, as well as Ginny, eyebrows furrowed, Harry's hand remaining in her own, though neither objected to it.

"It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts." Hermione responded, sighing through her nose as Ron stuffed his mouth with chicken.


Addie kept her eyes trained on the floor as everyone within the common room stared at both herself and Harry, even more than usual. She didn't understand, though didn't dare ask.

Harry grabbed her hand in an act of comfort, which was noticed by just about all, the twins lightly smirking.

She didn't pay attention to what Harry started saying, too engrossed in keeping her gaze down. Only when Harry began to raise his voice did she look up at him and the Irish boy, Seamus.

"I'll have a go at anyone that calls myself or Ad a liar!"

And before she could intercept, ask him what was going on, to cool off, another voice brought itself to the argument.

"What's goin' on?" Ron asked confidently, Prefect badge shiny on his robe, stepping to Adeline's side, putting an arm around her in a brotherly fashion. Hermione, Ginny and the twins watched the brawl miserably, unable to stop it.

"These two're mad, is what's going on. Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who? That he's back and she's his daughter?" Seamus spat, fists balling in frustration.

Swallowing down her resentment, Addie took a long breath to calm herself, Harry letting go of her hand to wipe away the clammy of his hands.

"Yeah, I do. Anyone else got a problem?"

Silence followed, leaving Harry to make a swift exit up the boy's dormitory staircase, Ron and Adeline struggling to keep up with him, ignoring the questioning glances on how the stairs didn't turn to a slide.

Barely acknowledging the two, Harry stormed into his room and plopped onto one of his bedsides, back facing the ginger and the Riddle, though, after some hesitation, Addie walked over gently, sitting next to him. She tried to catch his eye, though his gaze remained forward. Setting a soft hand upon his shoulder, she spoke quietly.

"Harry? Are you—" She cleared her throat. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." He shot back rudely, Addie's eyebrows raising slightly, moving her hand away.

"I guess I'll leave then. Night, guys." She stood, feet patting the carpeted floor, sharing a tight smile with Ron who gave a look of sympathy as she left the room. She knew his anger merely lashed out on her, so Addie, unlike many, didn't take his words to heart. He didn't mean it.

The common room, since their leaving, had grown back the chatting. So naturally, Adeline didn't want to disturb that once more, and snuck back down the steps. She looked around, and seeing that no one was looking her way, too busy in conversation, she slipped into her room placed in the middle of the wall opposite the entrance to the common room. As she shut the slightly damaged, wooden door, she closed her eyes, letting out a breath.

This was going to be a long year.


Wow I actually updated kind of on time whaaaat

Heh, chapters will most likely be around this length (1000+ words) from now on, if not a bit longer.

Thank you guys for reading! <3


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