The Freak That Lost Reality

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From the moment I stepped into the school I knew I hated everybody there. The kids there were dancing around, standing and talking, wearing headphones, or sitting at a table eating with their friends. Ms.Flaa the counselor wanted to see me to give me a tour and to give me my schedule. I was pumped for that. I'm kidding.

Ms.Flaa's room smelled like peppermints and cheesy posters were plastered on the wall with the stupid quotes and phrases. Everything you'd expect a counselors room to look like. Happy and caring when the counselor was acting like everything was okay but they really wanted to shoot themselves and wanted to stop hearing kids complain about their problems. There was drawings that kids made taped to the wall with "by whatever their name is" written on them. Several pictures had the same names and obviously they showed up often.

"And 4th hour you have English-Mike, are you paying attention?" She snapped me from my daydream.

"What-oh yeah, 4th hour English, go on" she gave me a funny look and continued.

          She showed me my locker, my classes, and she directed me to my homeroom. As I walked there was a girl turned around yelling at a boy and the boy arguing back. Another girl was drawing something on the board and kids were screaming out things guessing what it was. When Ms.Flaa spoke up they all turned and looked at me.

          "Are you in 11th grade?" the girl that was arguing with the boy asked.

           "yeah" I said quietly without looking her in her eye.

          "welcome to hell!" a kid said. He was wearing a blue and gray striped sweater with the hood up and small circle sunglasses and he had brown curly hair and he was laughing hysterically. From the moment I layed my eyes on him I could already tell he was going to be my best friend. I found the school stoner.

         My teacher was Ms.Andrews and she told me where to sit and luckily I got seated right in front of the stoner.

        He tapped on my shoulder and I turned around.

        "hey kid, whats your name?"


         "oh man, that's cool, I'm Bennett but you can call me Benny" He spoke fast.

         "can I see your schedule?" he asked. I handed it to him and he looked it over.

         "oh god dude, you got Ms. Weeding for fourth hour English, keep in mind, the only cool thing about her is her last name" that last part made me laugh and he started laughing too.

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