Chapter 14

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Rose in MM

Another long chapter.

We will be learning a little bit about Rose and August relationship and also how she "died" in this chapter.

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Ever since I saw Rose at the club last month I haven't seen her anywhere around leaving me to believe that my mind was probably playing tricks on me.

Chris and Kev thought I had too much to drink and was starting to see shit. After I told them what happen they thought I had enough to drink and we left the club.

She been on my mind ever since that night and I don't know what to do. After her death her parents moved away few days later and I hadn't heard anything else about what happened to her.

Rose parents never liked me from before she even brought me around to meet them because of what they heard about me but that's was fine with me.

Rose's parents are Haitian and were born in Haiti where they met and got married. Her father came to New York for work and eventually took her mom here when he was established. Few years later they made Rose. Most of her family still lives in Haiti and others were in Florida.

Growing up, her parents were really strict on her about a lot of shit. They wanted her to be a lawyer or Doctor nothing less. She tried to do everything to please them and make them proud until we crossed paths.

They blamed me for a lot of shit that happened with Rose and admittedly, I was the reason for her drastic change and behavior, but they never knew the Rose that I knew.

To them she was the perfect child doing everything right, until I came into her life. They thought I got her failing out of school and into smoking weed amongst other ungodly things.

Rose was innocent and naive to most but like most shy girls she just needed someone who understands her. She just needed someone who she can be herself around without hiding behind this good girl facade and I was that someone for her.

I helped her to see that there's more to life than just fulfilling her parents dreams. She was living for them and not herself. She loved the thrill that came with being around me, the life I lived intrigued her and I became her escape.

Rose was not the average girl with friends or cliques. She went to school did what she had to do and kept to herself at all times. No one fùcked with her though, apparently she whooped a girl ass badly for messing with her and from there on everyone just avoided her.

I wanted to see that side of her for myself so I made it my duty to fück with her everyday. At first I did it to get her upset but she'd just ignore me until she couldn't anymore.

The first time she acknowledged me was at the park and we bonded over a blunt.

It was a Saturday afternoon, I was doing my usual hustle selling dime bags to níggas that be playing ball in the park when I spot her chilling by herself at one of the benches away from the basketball court.

The park was closer to the school and I knew she didn't live on this side because I never see her around here. I was curious why she was on this side by herself on a Saturday. Bítches only came to this park for two reasons, to watch shirtless níggas play ball or to get a nigga.

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